It’s deeper…

This will now be in a shadowbox frame on my wall.

I was thinking deeply lately and
alongside of my posts on my social media for my mystical work psychic readings and spiritual teachings, I’ve decided that I’m going start using the pages as a diary of sorts too.

So here it goes.

In this line of work it is very difficult to maintain level of positivity merely because I absorb the sadness of others. I am not just an ordinary teacher. As an angelic Oracle I walk the path with them. I go through what they go through with them, so that I can understand them even more when I help them. That’s some thing a person cannot fake. They feel the realness of it because when they come back to me they can feel that I just know and understand. Other teachers just teach merely thinking that their students have to take in what they’re giving, but I don’t do that. I give them what I have according to who they are uniquely and individually, but pertaining much to the truth. This helps them understand the light according to their own Thor. There would be no other way for me to ever get the message through them to show them how they each would understand they have them selves. But to do that as an Oracle and an angel, I have to take in their sufferings and their good times too. It’s not really all that easy at times.

I love what I do and I wouldn’t change any of that for the world and I don’t want anyone ever apologizing to me for any of it. I love every single person with all of my heart and I will walk to the end of the earth with all of you. But I know people have other doubts in there and different feelings toward me but even for those that have stepped away in the past I still even love all of you. I love what I do, and I wouldn’t change any of that for the world and I don’t want anyone ever apologizing to me for any of it. I love every single person with all of my heart and I will walk to the end of the earth with all of you. But I know people have had their doubts here and there and different feelings toward me, but even for those that have stepped away in the past I still even love all of you.

Still, life itself also brings darker shades toward my own personal life as well. Through the many lessons that each of my family members face for themselves individually, I treat it all just r hurt nurture it through time. While it grows the bees will sting, the bugs will bite… but at the end you’ll have a beautiful crop. The cultivation of such, takes great love. Therefore, I know that if it were to take many years, even in how some struggle and repeat mistakes, or for those who take it out on me… the kind and loving things that I say and teach will make all of the difference in the world for them permanently later on. Yes, enforcing change immediately is only but temporary.

Yet, it doesn’t change that yes I do go through it with them.When they’re down, I feel it. When they feel unloved or insignificant, then I feel that with them as well.

There are a lot of times that through this line of work I come across a rough situation or two but more so in my own personal face-to-face life, there are people that just don’t understand the way that I do things. I get questioned in regards to why I accept the people that I do in my life, or why I am so forgiving of their shortcomings when they hurt me. I know that I’ll never be as great as Yeshua but the one thing that I can definitely say is that I relate. He is a wonderful teacher. And the answer to a lot of those questions get back to you excepting people that were in need of love because he knew how powerful love is and that those are the people most help. He said: “It’s the sick people who need doctors”. And he’s right. If I myself this perfectly, then why would I want to only be around other people who act perfectly? I’m not here for that. It’s hurts that they don’t understand that I AM love.

I’m here to be a good example to others in how they can be better people. Sometimes it takes a lot out of me to do so, because there are moments in my own life where I feel down or I want to cry. It’s like being wise, I know that people are going to make their own mistakes and do what they choose, regardless of what I teach them. But when they fail themselves, I feel like I failed them and I wonder why it was hard for them to apply what I taught them or the heavenly perspective.

Then, there are these moments when a lot of all of those emotions are channeled thru the intimate ties that I’ve made with the beautiful people that I have come to work with, and I need just a little bit of something to bring me back up. It said those moments when I needed the most that things like this come in the mail. Beautiful letters from people I’ve actually helped because they actually get it. They understood a lot of things that others couldn’t create of course there are other students that are like them, ascending and awake, but it’s just knowing sometimes directly from them how much I’ve made that impact in their life and continue to… That really continues to provide me the hope that I need to continue doing so.

Today I received three cards all at once. I already knew that I was going to be getting them because I had a few visions last week of the same articles, a cheetah, and a camera. I went out and bought this background paper that I was going to use for some other things related to projects that I’m working on. But there was one piece of that paper that I saw that I really had no other use for them to make into a pretty wall hanging. I knew that I was going to receive some really cute stuff that I could add to it for the picture. What was inside the guards was truly moving and really made me cry a lot out of happiness.You see, when a person can write to me using my own quote then elaborate on it through what they’ve learned within themselves in their own life, that’s when you know that you’ve done a good job. And in the cards that I received I can see that these three students really learned a lot and I can be more proud. They really made me feel so good about myself too, because I know that I’ve provided hope and growth to them in the kind words that they’ve added to the expression of what they’ve learned in their journeys.

I just wanted to use his time to say that all of the positivity really helps. I’m so happy that many of you out there have found yourselves and even though you’re still seeking a little bit here and there, I am always proud of you through the ups and downs all of the way and that I’m here beside you every step.

2 thoughts on “It’s deeper…

  1. Ally you are the best gift in the whole world. Thank you for your unconditional Love and Patience. I wish I could hug you in person. Love ❤️ Jennifer Ann Jenkins


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