Celestial Events of this year: 2022

The heavens hold importance in life. From the tides, to the thriving of agriculture and life. But the celestial bodies also play a significant role in acting as an IV line attached to each of us. Sometimes there’s a healthy does and then there are times that there will be adverse effects. The sky Gods determine a lot.

For the rest of this year, there will be some pretty intense energies coming in because of some pretty charged events that are happening in the sky dome. The effects will differ from person to person, and since a few are rare occupancies, the doses that those events deliver may or may not be ones that you want… but then again they may be.

These events also hold significance in the age that we’re and in, playing a role in world events, Magic, karma, fate, and adding impact to the events to come personally and worldwide.

Rare and/or important celestial events 2022

Mars and Uranus Conjunction
Mars, astrology, 2022, horoscope, celestial sky events

The Mars and Uranus Conjunction is a less commonly occurring event yet it takes place August 1st! Use binoculars to view! Mars and Uranus will share the same right ascension, with Mars passing 1°22′ to the south of Uranus.

This brings the fight within you to the surface, for your spiritual journey. For those that are on it and see that it’s going well, don’t be alarmed when things start to come from the background of the shadows of life that you were less aware of, as it’s your shadow Self‘s way of trying to work through some of those remaining problems. For those of you that haven’t been doing so well, you’ll get more strength and courage to use more motivation and amp up your spiritual pathway.

I advise also that you don’t make any major decisions in your life during the time of this conjunction. Even though it happens tonight, the energy lasts for a little while afterward, giving you time to benefit off of the heavenly energies that are being provided. If you need help, seek support.

New realizations and spiritual insights will come up, both negative and positive quality during this time. This may take you into a whole new phase of your journey. If it’s in regards to general life, you’ll find that a lot of truths start to get aired to the surface. Use discoveries will help you to start makes sense of a lot of things in your life right now. If you want specific information about anything that may be arising at this time, please contact me and check out my spirit team insight or check out a reading that I have called; “Why”? The reading’s focus is on explaining why situations are happening, and the reasons behind them. If you have a specific situation going on and you can’t understand why it’s there or what it’s leading you toward, that reading would be right for you.

Moon phases, Wicca, astrology, 2022, mystical, horoscope, celestial sky events

The moon in all her glory

Moon and Saturn Conjunct

The moon will be highlighted throughout the month with some really beautiful energies. On the 11th, the moon will go in conjunction with Saturn. This Saturnalian energy delivers a good blast of Capricornian passion. With this type of energy, you will be more drawn toward the aesthetic aspect of life. You’ll want to take care of yourself, do something nice to complement your appearance, have a good time and be around others. But this energy also brings with it that capricorne and perfection. It’ll make you a little obsessive over details that maybe perhaps you shouldn’t be focusing on.

For example you want to pay attention to your beauty or health, and if there is that one little zit or a few extra pounds, it’ll really start to eat away at you. Use this energy to be motivated and focused on taking care of yourself, but don’t allow it to cause you to obsess over it. This energy will also provide you with a serious desire that comes up within you, although you won’t know what it is. This is coming from your inner self as your higher self is trying to get you to dig deep and find something to fulfill an area of your life that needs a little extra added spark. Could it be love? More success? If you are going through a part of your journey where shadow self issues come up a lot, you may find yourself fighting in areas of love or career instead, and this would be the perfect time for you to dig deeper as to what stands in your way in those areas.

The moon brings up your emotions and reflecting that off of Saturn, it makes it so that a lot of your emotions do you have to do a lot with Self, the material world, and things that you feel are wrong in it. Even though this energy can take you into a path where you start working on those things and improve, it does come with it some moments of feeling badly. Don’t get stuck in those thoughts and feels!

Horoscope, astrology, 2022, celestial sky events,
Aug 15. Moon Conjunct with Jupiter

It was already amazing enough that the moon and Saturn complemented one another, but now on the 15th we will also get a wonderful dose of the moon and Jupiter. 

Now, you will find that you are focusing more on self improvement as well as trying to get somewhere in regards to your financial situation and career. Back when focusing on aesthetics and health with Capricorn and the moon’s energy, that will have brought you to the point where you’re realizing that you need a little bit more in your life in regards to fortune. In order to achieve the dreams you have, money definitely proposes an issue if you don’t have enough of it to build a foundation on building those dreams. This will definitely prompt you to want to change that and improve your situation overall.

You will also find for some, that thinking about this could possibly bring you down. If there really aren’t many opportunities right now, you may experience the reversed side of this energy and feel as though you’re going nowhere. This could leave you feeling stuck and without direction and how to go about changing things. Can always come and seek for career advice around that time. You may even be feeling a little bit of this way now.

Since the moon is all about emotions, inner longings and secrets, Jupiter will start to get you to question whether the things in your life are what you really want in it, after all. Capricorn will bring some of your hidden desires to the surface and it may confuse your emotions to where you feel confused in life generally overall. Jupiter and the moon will give you a little bit of a chaotic mess within yourself, as you start to question whether those desires are that came to the surface, are what you really want after all. You may feel as if you’re stuck at a crossroads at this point.

Overall, Jupiter will heighten your reflection of self, where you are at at this point in your life, and where all of that leaves you in the mist of the world. The moon will add emotions that perhaps may be a little bit hard to cope with. You may start feeling as if you’ve failed in someway or that you’re going nowhere. Don’t believe those emotions. It’s merely just an illusion that is meant to act as a prompt to get you to get up on your feet and start moving. However, those that sink into depression instead of looking at things like that optimistically, may end up self victimizing themselves at that point and start feeling as if it’s hopeless. Don’t allow that to happen. Use whatever thoughts and feelings come up at this time that indicate that you’re not happy with your life or self, not to feel worse but to use it as motivation and inspiration to grow even further.

There will be some with certain celestial bodies in their astrological charts that will find that they gain a lot of blessings around this time. They may end up with a windfall profit or increase in their financial income somehow. For many that are using the positive side of this energy, they may even feel a burst of energy that will complement the motivational aspect of the conjunction. For others, they may feel drained and a sense of self loathing. Remember, don’t fall victim to these energies, rather use them for the best instead.

Uranus retrograde, 2022, astrology

Uranus goes retro August 24.

Uranus goes retrograde on August 24. This will send your mentality into a tale spin. Erratic behavior or mood swings might be possible. There is also the potential to experience an emotional awakening, or a sudden turn of events that allows a breakthrough. Life will go through changes and so will you, and during this time the events, thoughts and feelings resulting from them will unfortunately not be pleasant. Many dread the Mercury retrograde cycles but seldom ever pay any mind to Uranus. Uranus is rough.

This will be a time where your mind plays the most tricks on itself. Most of the things that you’ll think that are negative, may actually be just the illusions of your mind. This means that you may end up feeling down on yourself, thinking that you can’t succeed, or even thoughts that seem unusual for you.  I have had people contact me about some very illusionary thoughts they’ve had that we’re out of this world. One of the most nicest people in the world actually had thoughts during a Uranus retrograde that they were a murderer when they hadn’t even entertain any thoughts of killing anybody. This is definitely a weird time. 

Are your thoughts actually your own? Or are they products of the retrograde? If you’ve been struggling with things like this for a while though, could it be something you’re picking up on in the environment as an empath or is it your real shadow self?  It’s time to look deeper, if that’s the case.

This is also the time where life tries to play tricks on you. You may find that strange things happen. Bad luck comes, and in the slightest ways. For instants, something that you think is so small that doesn’t need any focus at the moment, actually ends up being something that you absolutely had to get done because without it lots of things start to fall apart. You may find that the people in your life are acting a little funny around this time too.

For those of you that are blessed and don’t experience bad luck or anything, those who are walking their path to illumination and are already in a place where they transcended a lot of stuff, you’ll find that you benefit from this energy through seeing a lot of good luck and clarity

Perseid shower, 2022, astrology, celestial sky events

Perseid Showers

What a blessing! Will some of those Star fragments actually be new souls who will be born on earth? If you’re 10 weeks pregnant by the 9th of August there’s a good chance then and after that your little one could have come to earth as a starseed riding out the wave. 

Additionally, it’s a beautiful thing to watch. For Star buffs like me, you’ll make this an entertaining event. Grab some outdoor lounge chairs, and a late night picnic snack and lay back to watch. It’ll be happening throughout the 9th to the 15th with the peak being around the 13th. 

The energy is wonderful! From the dates that this shower is going, it does fuel your inspirational spark. The shower is actually going on from the end of July but is usually more visible in August. The best time to watch would be right as the moon is setting, as the conditions would be more favorable since it’s the darkest around that time.

Partial Solar Eclipse Oct. 25

Partial Solar eclipse 2022, astrology, celestial sky events

The partial solar eclipse in October prepares the way for the total lunar eclipse in November. This will really put people into a place where they are balancing out their duality, or at least trying to. Your romance or desire for it will be emphasized, along with your own artistic self-expression. You may find realizations that help to understand why those areas need improvement or extra attention that will guide you to the right ideas to make those departments in your life even better. 

People will gravitate toward greater drama than usual and you might be inclined to strike out on an individual path, rather than one of social bonding.  

Many are feeling disconnected more these days anyway. Social distancing has been negative, as far as isolating others from one another. To reverse feelings of loneliness, and to rebuild associations, get back online. Pretty soon I’ll be doing a very special video about that subject that can help men who have struggled with the troubles on social media. In the meantime, try to get yourself back up and running when it comes to posing, engaging with others online, and even hanging out with friends in person. But don’t jump into it too fast. Still give yourself enough time that you can spend alone, to do the things that you love and like. Right now this energy should be one that empowers you. This could help you to gain confidence and also have a little bit better of a time in speaking. Self-expression will come easily and therefore socializing will be a lot better. Dive into your inner magic and when hanging out with others or engaging with people on the Internet, talk about your passions!

The partial solar eclipse also will bring forth a feeling of they’re being something left unfinished, or some sense of meeting closure to something but perhaps not knowing what that is. This is a remaining fraction of the energy that was brought in during the full lunar eclipse that happened earlier this year. There are a lot of things that people are grieving over and perhaps maybe the partial solar eclipse is trying to prompt you to go back in time at what you really feel is missing

Total Lunar Eclipse Nov. 8

I have a wonderful client that always contacts me when these special events arise. It’s nice to see that someone is interested in knowing what the true meaning behind these events really are. While these things go much deeper, I will only just scratch the surface here. 

As we approach November of this year, 2022, there will be another full lunar eclipse. This is a significant event for many reasons but when we look at it in terms of astrological energies it really does change a lot. You’ll find that a lot of what you’ve been through this year has put you through a Self evaluation that has been probably one of the most difficult ones you’ve been through. The energies are like a roller coaster, 2022 really took everybody up and down throughout it and a lot of realizations and insights that came to the surface from deep deep down, weren’t pleasant ones. As people recognize their goals and dreams, their surface desires and hidden ones, they’ve also had the shadow Self come up… sneaking up behind them. This full lunar eclipse is going to basically seal in anything that you have discovered is actually a part of your real true self. 

I’ll talk about this more regarding the deeper truth to the lunar eclipse in my course; The Bible Untold”.

Asteroid 2022, space rock, asteroid close to earth, astrology, celestial sky events

Space Crystals

As many of you know the earth is made of silicon which is the same property found in clear quartz crystals. Your body also contains this and so you are part crystalline as well. I’ve also spoken about a race of diamond light beings that exist on the planet 55 Crankry which is made of diamond. There are so many different races and people beyond earth. But regarding earth for now, since minerals and crystals are important in transmitting energy, many people fail to recognize the astroids also bring energy as well too. There’s a great reason is why there are so many approaching this year as this is something I’ll also talk about my course. For the better understanding of this entry though, the energies that these astroids are stitching together as an ethernet net in being in proximity to earth, are going to create something like a gnu grid, from space. It’s doing so naturally in order to try to create a new consciousness on earth but even through that, earth is emitting a lot of negative frequency right now because of the traumatic events that have happened to people throughout the last few years. When that negative energy rises upward and gets trapped in that brand new web that the asteroids are creating (so to speak) , it will then lock all of the energies inside of it together, creating a new collective consciousness in which all will vibrate on and exchange between, with one another and with Earth, on earth. 

These energies can prove to be positive for a lot of people that are on the right track. For others that have not been working on their spiritual journey, they may find that a lot of things change around them and they to change, themselves. Those changes may not be recognized though. However the changes in the world around them, will be. You’ll notice that most of everything that’s happening today, peaks and rises as many things that are going on in the world today are going to get a lot worse. As it does, the web that the asteroids are creating, will like the energy into earth and it’s multiple dimensions within the web, and then it will just channel way back down since it will not be able to exit the web itself. It’ll just be recycled consciousness back-and-forth, in the form of struggle. This isn’t something to fear though. If you continue to try to walk the path that you’re meant to through your higher self and that you’re doing the best that you can, your spiritual guides will be able to guide you to the right place to find help so that you’ll not be affected by these things.

For people that work with me, you can come along and get an angelic infusion in your environment. This will help you with a Protection grid both, to seal in positive energies so that the atmospheric ones don’t bother you. 

You may also want to have a special psychic energetic “seal” constructed so that you do not cycle the energies that are streaming through earth’s collective back-and-forth within yourself. There is help. 

My best advice to everyone right now is to either get help with the recommendations that I made just above, or do your best to try to cut yourself off from things that can pull you into the consciousness such as watching too much television, listening to too much new music of today, or engaging with others that are not of a spiritual lifestyle or mindset. This doesn’t mean to give up on them or casting out of your life, but perhaps maybe seeing less of them and trying to find others who are like-minded more, can definitely help you to not get pulled in. Many of you may find that you’ve already been returning back to previous habits and routines before you started your spiritual journey. If that’s the case then you definitely do need a little bit of help right now. Seek advice from your spiritual guides, get a full spirit body cleansing, and seek to receive a plan from your angels that can help you to get back on track with things, or to stay on track if you’ve been in a good place. 

Asteroid 2022-OJ5:  over 10 ft in size approaching Earth at its closest 250,000 miles.

Asteroid 2022 OW3: 57 ft in size and coming to earth at 1 million miles. 

Asteroid 2020  PP1: about 50 ft in size and about 3 million miles away.

Asteroid 2022 OX3, 90 ft in size and another celestial rock that will be over 1 million miles away.

Any celestial body such as an astroid is considered to be approaching earth and close if it falls into their category of measurement. They say that anything that falls within 30,000,000 miles of earth, it’s still considered to be getting closer. As you can see all of these are within that category if not a little closer than that. It’s also interesting thing to know that all of them are approaching at their closest here in the month of August on the first and second of the month. It comes just before the partial solar eclipse and the full lunar eclipse. These are definitely very important things to keep in mind if you are a truth seeker.

Portal To Open

A portal will be opened before the energies of the year are permanent  This will take place in September around the same time as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, occurring between September 18 and the 22, finally closing again on September 28.  What is it for and what is going to happen as a result of it? 

To start, it’s a lot deeper than I can discuss here. To enlighten you a bit for now, the portal is called “Capta Sursum”. Its purpose is to bring many souls who are alive and deceased both, to a better place in heaven. 

This will also uplift the souls of those who are staying, and help them to feel positive, act virtuously and speak kindly to represent heaven while still on Earth. People may feel limitations, and a strong desire to break free or start new. There’s more about this that I’ll put into my courses as well too.

Most importantly, stay positive and fight through the hardships, and use the positive results to invite even more. Spiritual beings will also be coming through the portal

Out of Bounds-Update


Heavenly greetings to all of you, who have taken the time out to visit my website.

Back about two months ago, I had written an article here, called “Out of Bounds”. This was an astrological piece, written from my level of expertise in astrology. I know astrology just by feeling the changes in the atmosphere, also from channeled messages, and then  having studied earthly astrology, in contrast to my knowledge of Angelic Language Astrology. I had noticed that a lot of people really enjoyed the piece.  Nevertheless, I am writing this update because, it is very often that I write these articles and I do so… to help people to work through some of the trying energies that are abound. It helps to avoid situations and issues that may arise because of the planetary influences. Everyone is free to do as they please, but it’s always nice to be able to avoid conflict or struggle isn’t it? I just care about everybody that’s all.

However, even after the articles are put out there in the main stream, I noticed that as soon as the energies start to cause their effect, the information has long been forgotten. That’s when a lot of things go haywire for many people. So right now, I wanted to provide an update about these planetary influences, in addition to the dark consciousness movement that I was speaking about some time ago. Both of them go with another.

Dark Consciousness and Celestial Tribulation

The dark consciousness movement, was where there was a sweeping movement of vibrational energy, of a lower force. Already, that alone was creating thoughts of suicide, hopelessness, and the slow deterioration of empathy in others. Truly, I dislike being the harbinger of bad news. But I am a teacher who cares a lot about the world, and everybody in it. Therefore, I cannot always just promote all of the positive happy go lucky stuff, I have to also inform others of negative things that they should be aware of. The dark consciousness was definitely one of them. Everybody should have tried to stay optimistic, as much as they could, and they should still do so. It still does not change the fact though, that in addition to the dark energy, we also have a huge planetary retrograde system, that is disturbing a lot of our matrix here on planet earth at this time. In my new course “Heaven and Hell”, we are discussing how all of that works. For now, everyone on earth is naturally linked to this grid or matrix. Therefore, all of the people on earth will experience all types of effects from the plants to guide us under the heavens. With the out of bounds planets, it creates tribulation because, with all of them being in retrograde… it stimulates a negative reaction in your consciousness since you are linked to the earth grid. There were many things that I had mentioned, that should be expected as a result.

The Side Effects:

Because of these energies, people were told that they could expect to feel down, depressed, hopeless, a bit aggressive, very confused in their emotions, and also a lot of miscommunication would also take place causing some division amongst people, who are very close to one another. We could also be expected the old issues would arise from beyond the surface, creating a lot of self-doubt. That’s all dealt with, by being reflected into the many mirrors all around you and your life. Those mirrors basically are through other people that you are close to. They are also found in many situations and events that you face. It’s not easy to cope with all the issues, on top of many other triggered emotional responses from the planetary energies. This would create even more chaos in a person because they would, reflect those situations not just in the other people, but off of the other people around them.

This would create a lot of arguments, miscommunication, and disputes. Emotions of defensiveness,  and sensitivity would happen. I had even mentioned possible losses of friendship. In addition, financial problems would also occur. Feelings of bad luck, and lack of motivation in your life, would also be very strong during that time. You would also feel some confusion over your feelings about the people around you because of Venus and the role that it is playing, sort of acting like a satellite, for the other planetary energies to bounce off of. This would all work together sort of like, a virus being spread throughout the earth grid, acting as a supporting “program” for the dark consciousness energy to become even stronger. I remember hearing a few people say: “I am not going to be affected by it”! I simply just thought to myself, “hey even I am not exempt”. There would also be some political conflicts of course from this because of it affecting everybody, since it is an organized system, it would affect other collectives and organized systems. The anger and the aggression coming from this energy, is pretty severe. Let me tell you what I have been seeing lately.

My Experience:

Even in the Scriptures it talks about brother turning against brother, nation against nation. I have definitely seen a lot of deception and betrayal amongst friends. It doesn’t matter how nice a person is anymore, or how much they’ve done for people, those things just don’t seem to matter in this world any longer. The word “friendship” has become too much of a loose term, because real friendship from how I used to know it, meant that friends stick together and try to help each other very difficult situations. True friends don’t talk about one another negatively, although they may speak about a negative situation honestly. And trust me there is a difference. True friends are also not afraid to tell one another the truth. Honesty is a part of friendship, and being of comfort. Instead what I see out in the physical living world, are people who label one another in this world as friends, but the first sign of distress, they are the first to switch sides or gossip. I noticed that in a few different situations, that I counseled a couple of my in-person clients over, out here.

Friendships are truly deteriorating fast. On top of that, so is the true definition of family. People are not loyal in relationships anymore. The boredom of life, the stress of working, and the same repetitive routine throughout the day…seems to be causing spouses and couples to feel so tired that they do not have time for one another. Plus technology, is creating a huge rift between them, as they sit on their cell phones or Internet, rather than communicating back-and-forth with one another. This leaves room for loneliness to set in, and then leads towards infidelity should the opportunity appear. Children do not have much of a relationship with their parents anymore, and are being raised by the music and television that keeps them occupied. Then, they go out and reenact the things that they hear or see, with their friends. Much of it revolves around crime, disrespect, and disorder… as seen in my recent video called “Indoor Generation“. Also a lot of people are suffering from a lot of insecurities, because of a lot of social media and the projection of perfection that other people put out there on it. The illusion of perfection, makes people feel even lower about themselves which invite’s feelings of jealousy and competition. That fuels the hate.

We also have a very big thing going on with our government system, which I will not elaborate on any further. There is so much depression and frustration in the world today because of all of these issues and triggered emotional responses, as well as racing thoughts and lack of solutions to issues… That aggression starts to come to a boiling point. Dark Consciousness is then permitted access through all of these vulnerabilities. Once it starts to enter, many people start to allow spiritual interferences through. In addition to all  that I have seen, I see children acting aggressively and rabid, carrying on in very exaggerated fits of rage. Adults are also having some very violent thoughts themselves. It is alot for everyone to handle, so much so… that they begin to feel alone and suicidal. Although, they may not actually resort to hurting themselves or anyone else, it is a huge burden to carry with them. That then is detrimental to their spiritual path, because then they don’t feel good enough to continue onward in the path of awakening. So,… then other philosophies are introduced instead and the hope in heaven goes away.

We are truly in the pit of spiritual warfare.

Now that you know what is going on, and what to look for, if you have been experiencing any of this yourself, you can though but it’s not your fault. Cleansing and re-centering is essential to coping with the issue.If you feel a need, don’t be afraid to reach out for psychological or spiritual assistance. However, we still have the laws of Cause and Effect in the Universe to have to cope with. What you put out, you will get back. This stinks, but its true. If you allow this to consume you, you are basically creating an opening to be effected even more so, later on. Some will have un-neccessary challenges, and some will have challenges in all of this, that will teach them profound things about themselves and their way of life. One may learn about their reflection in others, how they cope with life and issues, how they communicate with others etc, and this could result in a positive result later on too. It goes both ways.

Change course and direction. Find some assistance, pray, meditate, and tell yourself hopeful, positive things. Don’t allow your beliefs in yourself, in those that you love, or your path, be altered by anyone who works on the opposite side of the agenda who helps in promoting the darker energy, or who uses it to their advantage. Be strong, and know, the retros are ending soon. By October, everythign will straighten itself out. Only those who allowed this all to effect them, may be in need of help to release the dark consciousness that seeped in, during that time to be rid of it, and to strengthen and reinforce themselves. Please, pay attention to my articles. They are for the benefit of others to heal from, learn from, and avoid issues. Learn to start new, if you feel that you got caught up in this energtic attack. I love you all, and only want for everyone to be in a good place.


Moon in Aries

July 5th 2018, Moon in Aries News….

This si a spotlight for the moon as it has entered into Aries. We already have Mars working its way in defense, but now the emotional side of one’s self, their intuition. An emotional, impulsive nature will come ot the surface.  Everyone will be feeling spontaneous and direct, infused with energy to make new break throughs. I had mentioned this in my Facebook’s Weekly Tarot on July 3rd. Many will feel a longing and a drive to work hard on things, but also to get out there and do things that they wouldn’t, on their avergae everyday basis. Fearless,  and full of courageous intuition, this energy makes you act instinctively. This can also cause you to be a bit reckless so beware!. This is a positive vibe, but at the same time, you could second guess yourself. This impetuous emotional nature could work against you if you assert more intensity than the situation calls for, whatever situaiton that may be.

You may feel somewhat impatient, but if you put balance passionately with your feelings, in  a confrontational temperament in inspired action. You may become focused on your own feelings that you culd neglect those of others so try to be more considerate while using this energy to be vibrant and push hard otward your goals as the odds are in your favor! Work with this energy. It is a good time to be inspired and use the warrior in your heart, to fight towards goals!

Love, Alura….