The Money Pit (Part Two)

The Money Pit, Tom Hanks, Home Repairs, House Flood, Water Damage, Home, Basement,

We bought this house to be happy. We thought that we had a new beginning. My father had saved up all of his life. He worked six days a week, from 5:00 am to 6:30 pm. We never had much show for it. He paid his bills, and that was just about all he could afford. He was never able to take us on family trips or outings. I have never gone to the zoo. I’ve only gone to a movie once with my father when I was three. Forget amusement parks, ball games etc. None of that existed. He never owned anything that was worth any value either. I’m proud of my father and grateful for the sacrifices he made to care for us.

In 2016, my prophecies and predictions will have led my family and I to make an Important decision though. Dad’s cancer diagnosis made it possible for him to buy a home through his disability. Based on what I foresaw coming in the future, we would need to buy a home and try to build a content and safe life. So we began our search for the first and only home that we would ever own. Upon seeing this home at open house, I liked it. But I had already foreseen that there would be trouble with it in the future.

I wouldn’t worry. With all of my heart, I figured that I could work hard and earn enough that I could then help my father with anything that was to come in the future. But with insight through my clairvoyance I knew that there were things being kept from my father as a potential home buyer. I tried to convince him to get his own inspector to evaluate the home just in case the inspector appointed by the real estate company wasn’t an honest one. I could already see that he would say just about anything that he needed to help the real estate agency make their sale. A sale for them meant that he would get paid. My father was a good man, who tried to save any money that he could, and gave everyone else the benefit of the doubt. Even though he believed me, he didn’t think he needed anyone to come in and reinspect the house. He allowed the real estate agency’s inspector to make the final evaluation. And of course… they had lied.

The inspector had told my father that everything was in good shape, and that he was OK to purchase the home.

Just as soon as we had moved into this house, things started to go horribly wrong. The electricity burnt out in some of the outlets. We realized that the siding was made with asbestos and that it was falling off, and falling apart. Next to that, everything else would break.Even the toilets broke numerous times. Truly the house seemed like a dream come true on the surface. We had always wanted a home that gave everyone ample space to live.

A Misfortunate New beginning

This was my room that I gave to the kids.
This was the kids room that I made for them out my old room.
Kids room now.
My bedroom and office before.
My bedroom and office now.

We had always wanted hardwood floors to prevent stains from occurring on carpeting as we had experienced in the past. This home had hardwood floors all throughout it! What was even more intriguing was that the first flood had ruined the floors downstairs in my area of the home. When they had been replaced, the wood that had been selected was of the very same kind that I had always dreamt of having in my own home, since I was a child! Cherrywood! Yet, that was just a temporary thing. I have no floors now. Even my mother had always wanted to have a front door that you could open, where there would be another glass door in front of it that you could look out from. It would bring in ample amounts of natural sunlight, and add a sense of Feng Shui to that particular area of the home. The foyer was always dark. Nevertheless, even the glass door had broken! How?

“Bad luck” isn’t a strong enough term

I used to allow my students to fly out here and stay with me for a week so that they could get ongoing life coaching and lessons. I have always said that it’s better when a person can work with me for a little bit face-to-face on top of the work they do with me online from long-distance. I was so excited that we bought this house because it made it so that there would be room to invite people over. Quite a few of my students have taken the opportunity to stay with me, a few times over the years. It was in 2019 that one person in particular had planned to visit me for a one week session. I am not any type of way, and so whether it’s female or male makes no difference to me. I know that my students respect me for the most part. I had also been working with him for a couple of years and I knew that he needed the most help. One of my other students had just left from staying with me only a few days before he was to arrive. My other student and I had done a week and a half of live life coaching together. She had only been gone a few days. The day came for his flight to arrive, I picked him up and brought him here for a few days as I had done with the previous girl.

I guided him with wisdom and ongoing intensive counseling. Things seemed to have been going well, but I could feel that something was going to happen. Knowing that things were going to turn into a bad direction, I tried to turn down the intensity of the inner work that I was doing with him. However, it didn’t seem to prevent the situation from taking place. It turned out that he had been emotionally triggered by the inner work that he was doing on himself. I tried to redirect the conversation, but he made it so that the subject had gone into a more personal place. The individual had started to confess their feelings toward me outside of our professional and friendly relationship. Kindly, I told them that I loved them very much, but that I was not interested in him in that way. I explained that it wasn’t rejection, but that I had to focus on my work of helping other people. I told him that I didn’t have time or room in my life for any type of romance back then. I know it must’ve hurt his feelings, but I had to be honest. I didn’t want to get involved with anyone because my work was/is so precious to me. However, the person became enraged, threatened me and decided that they were just going to punch through my front door on their way out.

Our glass storm door had shattered into millions of pieces. No, I did not call the police. I would never do that to someone that I had been trying to help. Losing my friendship will have taught them enough of a lesson. Friendship. Ah yes. This leads me up to a display of true friendship that I’ve been shown from all of this.

We’ll get to that in a bit though.

I may someday want to settle down, but not back at that time, and not with that particular individual. He was a good soul, but still had anger and violence to work through. I have kids. If they’re seeing this: “Please know that I forgive you and I’m only telling the story because it fits perfectly into what’s going on with my home”.

I never kept in touch with him after that. Although, I did hope that his life was full of happiness after that, perhaps having learned from his own choices. The issue wasn’t that he broke the glass. It seemed as if the house wanted it to happen to complement all of the other things that had happened, and bigger things that were to come in the future.

Back to the money pit…

Yes. The House. The Money Pit.

Every time someone bumped into the walls even lightly, a massive hole would be produced. Mice entered the house and overpopulated the inside of the walls. It genuinely started to appear as if the house itself were made of really nothing more than sticks and paper “so to speak”. Later a fire broke out, setting the entire wall and window of my office ablaze. The washing machine always broke down. We even purchased a new one, and it still broke! We’ve also lost electricity on one entire half side of my home. The air conditioner also kept shutting down. The central air unit was wired to its own fuse on my electrical box. It kept tripping due to the air-conditioning being very old and the electricity not having been updated to modern codes. Therefore, we lost both air conditioner and electricity a few times. However, last year, the house finally decided to “flip me the bird”.

Parrot gif, bird flipping, flipping the bird,
It flipped me the bird🥺

It made it so that the electricity had burnt out all of the electrical receptacles throughout the front end of my house upstairs. The living room, and the two older kids bedrooms that are on that side, did not have lights or an ability to plug anything in. Trying to fix it, I was told it would cost almost $30,000 to rewire the entire house. I didn’t think that it was a legitimate price. $30,000? That cost about as much as a new car or a small trailer home. Could one afford such a thing? On top of all of that, I ended up needing to have surgery fix my stomach. Even though the surgeon gave me the additional blessing of fixing all of me up, I just couldn’t feel any level of security in my life. I know all things happen for a reason, and even when I know what the reason is, and what it’ll bring… it still kind of stinks, having to go through the hardships that these types of situations bring.

Home repairs, flooding, money pit movie,

Last but not least, two floods happened. And now, this recent one. This third and most recent flood has really done its damage. The water ended up coming into the house and it spread all throughout. My living quarters had been contaminated. Sewage water! All of our belongings had been exposed to nasty underground sewage water. Underneath of my hardwood floors, there was always old asbestos tiling. Asbestos is a very dangerous substance, especially when it gets wet. This being the third flood meant that the asbestos tiling had already been soaked through a few times. Removing the floor over top of it had left the air open to asbestos contamination. We also discovered proof of black mold. We would have to throw everything away.

My closest friend and I had been talking last year about a lot of what was going on at my home. I started noticing around that same time that my dog’s food bowls would fill up with black mold over top of the food in them. The mold would develop even as soon as being left out overnight. I knew that there had to be black mold, hiding somewhere in the house. But there weren’t any open visible signs of it yet. There have been some black mold growing in a patch on one of the walls in the basement, but beside that…nothing that you could really see otherwise. We would all get nose bleeds, itchy skin, and it would lead us all to develop a lot of respiratory infection symptoms throughout time. There wasn’t much we could do about any of the problems because whenever we ever tried to fix anything… it would just happen all over again for some reason?

Around the same time that the “vicious six” planetary event has been going on, more had happened at my house. I asked the heavens why, and I was told that it was all related to karma that my mother had developed.

Yes, it’s all really overwhelming because it’s been one thing after the next. The same events continue to happen over and over again but in cycles. Even if I hire someone to properly fix something, it’ll still break again later on. This event, though, has made it so that we forcefully have to figure something out here. We can’t move because we don’t have any money. Everything that I did have, went toward my surgery, and toward all of the repairs for the previous issues mentioned above with the house. I have no income coming in with my job because I’m back up, and so just to give you an idea… I’m probably going to have to live through these conditions for a little while.

It’s most certainly a challenge to have to work through all of this, as not only a human being, but as someone with a heavenly mentality too. The stress and upset related to all of these misfortunate events often tries to bring me down. However, I try to pull myself back up and stay in a good place, because I know that this will lead to something good at some point later on. But until then, living so uncomfortably is going to make it just a tad bit difficult to be inspired or motivated for my work because I need a tranquil environment to work in. I can’t just start doing a reading in the middle of the living room, where some people are talking, sleeping, or watching something on their TV or phone. No, I need candles, incense, a room that is cleansed and blessed just for the heavenly work, and utter privacy. I won’t be able to get that for quite a while now. I still try to do the best that I can and one way or the other, though.

Bad things happen, yes. But with a positive mindset, it could lead towards a manifestation of something great. And it most certainly brought about a welcomed and happy surprise that just recently happened amidst all of this struggle

Please see the video at the bottom, for proof and update.

Friendship quotes, friends, cookie quote

“When you can’t look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.”


A gift from a friend…

Whoah! What a blessing! Tobias Sid John just surprised me yesterday by showing up here at my house!
It was just what I needed.
I definitely did not suspect this surprise, this time. I have been so overwhelmed with my house being torn apart, because of the flood, and having to manage the children, keep my students from being upset with me due to all the delays, mowing the lawn, and trying to figure out what I should do that my psychic senses didn’t pick up on her arrival. Just as I was about to finish cleaning up from yardwork for the day, only a few minutes away from a clean shower and putting the little ones down to bed… I saw this friendly familiar face coming around the corner into my backyard! I was definitely pleasantly shocked.

It was a nice visit but I wished it lasted longer. It was my fault. I felt so bad. I didn’t have a lot of time and I know that it took a very long time to even get to New Jersey. Oh my goodness, what if I hadn’t been here?

I like the way that Toby thinks. Tobe’s mentality was “to even to get a hug for a minute would be worthy of an eight hour drive”. I would have probably felt the same way if I were on the other side of this. To give my friend some love knowing what they were going through would be a gift enough. it would definitely be something that I could do. I can’t believe my friend drove all that way to get here and just to make sure that I could feel better with some love. That’s real. Unforgettable. I am truly humbled by such a selfless act of kindness, and the beautiful display of genuine human compassion.

I know that a lot of you live really far and please don’t think that I am implying anything negative to anyone else just because I am praising Toby. I’m sure if any of you lived a little closer, you would come and give me a big hug too, as I would do for each of you as well. However, it’s just the fact that Toby is the only person that could and did. But I do have to say that I’ve had a lot of friends reach out, wanting to help me or show some love in some kind of way since Avrina ( Tanisha Suri ) offered to come and help, and Bella Abel also offered me a place to stay due to the damages here at my house.
Truly, I’m hanging in there everyone. The damage is surreal, far worse than any of the other times and sadly I have no place to work right now, but I have to try to work through everything positively with the knowledge that all things happen for a good reason, unless otherwise negativities get manifested for oneself through negative thinking. I’m really sad that this happened. I know why it happened, which is nothing to do with me, except for the fact that I’m here to support who it’s happening to with love and unconditional loyalty. Karma.

It’s not the kind of karma that I can just clear away that easily. The person hasn’t woken up yet, and there are something’s that just can’t be cleared out because it’s a part of their soul contract’s lessons, or another soul on the other side isn’t willing to forgive yet, until they see it themselves that the person that owes them karmic debts, has actually really learned. If they forgive and the person hasn’t learned, they’re just going to do it to somebody else and it’ll be a never ending cycle. Therefore, the person who is owed the karmic debt hangs onto it in order to ensure that the person is learning the lesson, and that it doesn’t anchor onto somebody else. That’s definitely something that can be understood. And at this rate, I don’t really think a karma clearing would really help out anyway because the individual continues to see life the same way.

It’s so funny because, I did do a karma clearing years and years ago for them, and because they hadn’t learned the lessons, they just repeated the stupid mistakes, and ended up creating even more karma, that later the result is what we are going through today.

I’m just really happy that I have good people in my corner too though.

I feel bad about the long drive that Toby took but this was a spontaneous endeavor, andwhatever the end result would be was simple: “it was the thought that counted either way”. i’m sure that even if I hadn’t been home, I would’ve had someone tell me that Toby had stopped by, and that would have made my entire day even just hearing that. But here I am, filled with so much happiness in my heart, because I got to see someone that I’ve really drawn closer over the years, whom I’m proud of in every single way. Plus, Toby mentioned not having the ability to get in touch with me anyhow, even if it was to let me know that I was getting a visit hahaha. Therefore, a great big hug wasn’t the only gift that I got out of this. It was a good thing that Toby came by because I found out that some of the messages don’t always reach me. Everybody says the same thing but I can never fathom it. The messaging through my app works well for me on my end over here. upon Toby saying that, though, something just clicked, and I have figured out why I don’t get some messages but for others, I do. I’m going to make another post here on this site with a little tutorial for those that have trouble getting their messages seen.
I just want everyone to know I’m really sorry if you’ve been one of those individuals having some trouble. If you read the tutorial down at the bottom, it should help us. But for now, let me just say that today was a really hectic day, cleaning up, having to manage the children and mow the grass (which was about up above my knees), sheesh! Yes, seeing Toby definitely made my day so much brighter. I truly hope that each and everyone of you have a friend nearby that can come and offer you some love when things are hard for you. I know all too well what it’s like to be alone, and it’s not pleasant. This visit made all of the ugly go away, even if it was just for an hour.

The tutorial will definitely make a difference with having some kind of way to communicate here for those who are not exclusive members of my club especially. Everybody matters to me. Hey, you’re welcome to come on down, if you don’t mind driving all that way while taking a chance with whether I’m actually home or not. It’s a risk to come unannounced since I’m not always here due to working with in-person clients at their home, but I hope everyone knows that my heart is definitely open to everyone.

I just wanted to put this post up because it’s important to show the simple things in life that are far more valuable than anything monetary. Having a friend that loves you is priceless. I hope that it inspires you to drop by someone’s home who you know has been dealing with some difficulties, one way, or the other, and give them a big hug! You have no idea how much something like that would mean to somebody, even if it were just a five minute embrace. Thank you Toby! And thank you to all of you out there, who continually show your love from afar. A card, a message, a thought, is all just as good as a hug.

You all mean the world to me.

Update Footage

My “Money Pit”.


In conclusion, though, this house has been “The Money Pit” part two. There are always three different directions that the future can go in. Right now, I’m watching to see what the next sign will be to determine which path I am headed on here. Bad circumstances can certainly be healed up with a lot of love from those that care about you. That’s why I stayed all of this time here with my mom because I couldn’t see her go through these difficulties alone. I don’t know what we’re going to do from this point forward since there are three pathways that could branch off from all of this.

Path A shows that we move out after getting everything fixed up, sell the place, and move somewhere safe that the Heavens have guided us to relocate to, and than continue to do well wherever we go from here. Path B shows that we fix all of this up, but have no extra money to move, end up staying here, and it happens all over again, and again, until I finally move out on my own somewhere. It ends with contentment, but some hardship. Path C is the worst option though. Path B turns out with me staying here until all of it is resolved, but then there’s no money left for survival, and it all happens all over again to where I have nothing in my life left whatsoever at all, and that includes my work. Losing my work will lead to me losing my home, and if I don’t have a home while being a mother to children, the state will take them and I’ll end up losing them too. Very scary isn’t it? When people see things like this happen to others out there, they can’t imagine all of the horrors that are lurking behind the scenes that could potentially spiral out of control as a result of just one catastrophic event. I feel that this house has been a curse. Let’s just hope that I end up on Path A, or even at least Path B.

Many blessings to you all with lots of love

The movie is hilarious and definitely makes light of my situation. I think of all of the people that have had damages to their homes from tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. My heart truly goes out to everybody. The movie will give you a good giggle though. Check it out. You can even imagine me in the position of Tom Hanks throughout the movie, to make it more comedic. Imagine me falling through the roof lol. The link to watch is here.

Thoughts on hardship, faith, and making a difference

Alura Cein, Spiritual Teacher, Flower Crown, Holidays, Diary,
This site is a diary, who would’ve thought?! LOL

Welcome, dear reader. It’s so good to have you back and thank you so very much for taking interest in me, that you have come to hear my thoughts and wisdom. It’s nice to know that someone cares.

If you’ve ever really thought about the title of this website, you’ll understand what the website is for. It’s called “Spiritually Awkward: The diary of a spiritual fanatic”. That’s right, it’s a diary!

All of my other websites are made for teaching others about spirituality and the heavens. But this one here, was solely for me to express my deepest thoughts and feelings in. I also use it to share different things that I’m working on, or Spiritual experiences that I’ve had. But mainly, it’s a place for me to vent. Everybody needs a friend. For me, I have always had a very isolated life. Besides, the heavens, this diary is the only place that I can truly let out my deepest thoughts. I also think about others and have made it so that anyone needing to, can vent when they go to my messages or emails. Granted the emails have become nothing but commercial spam for some reason… But that hasn’t stopped anyone from being able to send in their thoughts.

I do read them.

But here… It’s my time. And I’m always so very thankful for those that care enough to take the time out to read this. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I really would like to express my thoughts here considering that I have gone through a lot over the last year and I know that many others have gone through their own trials. I don’t only think about my own path in life. My time here has been spent mainly on worrying about others. My greatest hopes and intentions are to show other people that they are loved and cared about, and that I have answers that they can use from the heavens to better themselves. Anything that seems impossible, we’ll try to work through together. Nevertheless, seeing others who are struggling truly pains my heart. I hope that just by reading my thoughts, I can be an example of how to handle things, and, that it’s OK to feel how you feel.

It still feels pretty good to have a listening ear though doesn’t it? With that, I thank you again for coming by.

Thoughts on time, trials, & random reflections

To start,  it feels like time has gone by so quickly. It was just Halloween, and now it’s the first week of December? November seems almost as if it never even took place! Well, for me anyway. 

December already? Wow. Being the soul that I am, time has always been fast or seemingly nonexistent. Yet, there were times that I could adjust my perception to a 3-D view and experience a little bit of what everyone else did. With that, I can remember moments when I was small, where it seemed like it took forever for Christmas to come. but stepping back into a higher dimensional view, the weeks and months have always gone by fast. Yet adjusting back into the 3-D perspective, at present time, time is going super fast for everybody nowadays.

I’ve always told everyone that time was a man-made illusion that has been changed whenever it was convenient. From the beginning of man’s existence on earth, and throughout the millennia, the calendar has changed many times. Here’s an interesting article to read when you’re done here, if you want to see how man has strived to perfect “measuring” time.

Putting time to the side, I know the secret to perpetual youth. And yes, one could live forever. Immortality is a little more on the “impossible” side because of the way that the world is. But think about perpetual youth? 

Health and youthfulness everlasting?

 It isn’t possible without several things that need to be put into place. The only thing that I can say without revealing the secret is that it’s very difficult for anyone to achieve. Especially in this day and age. Remaining inside of the matrix, and its way of doing things, will make it so that we are all bound by the clock until change brings the possibility. If I had a place where I could bring all of the people that were interested in learning these secrets, they could live there with me and learn how to reach a state of health and youthfulness that would last beyond what they could imagine. That may just be wishful thinking, mixed into my world of flowing mentation.

Now back to the astounding realization that it’s December, already, I reflect back into some of the thoughts that have been cycling through my mind lately. That brings me into a state of concern again. There are so many beautiful things in life to be thankful for, but yet at this time in the world people are experiencing so much difficulty. My heart truly aches for them. People can only see what’s in front of them now. They all hear things in the news, but how many really feel deeply troubled by it? It’s one thing to say: “That’s a shame”, or “I wish things were better for other people ”, but is it really emotion that they’re putting behind those words? Or is it just a thought? I channel people in the world even without wanting or trying to. I can tell you that I feel heartbroken a lot of the time, that’s for sure. Why can’t people care about one another?

For me, I truly feel sympathy, compassion, and remorse for the way that things are. I can’t stand the suffering that people have to endure. I take it personally. The thought of human suffering puts me into utter despair at times where I’ll have a day or two where I just cry because of the things happening in the world. I’ll have to fight really hard in order to pick myself back up after I go through something like that. 

There are so many people throughout time that have been victims of starvation, disease, poverty, homelessness, and so many other terrible things that existence brings in this world. On the other side of things, there are a lot of others that have had blessed lives without worry or struggle. Many people often ask me what really makes it so that there are others who thrive, and others that don’t? Who determines who lives in a state of struggle? 

Many people think that it has to do with God, or a person’s fate. In some cases struggle has a lot to do with a person’s fate, but most of it is caused by mankind. To answer that question once and for all, those who determine who will be poor, or wealthy, are decided by the world powers. There are countries that are deliberately kept in a state of poverty, so that the people have no way to fight for themselves. Those countries are used for experiments, such as biological weapons and viruses. And then organizations rise up, claiming to help, but not all of the money really reaches them. How terribly sad! While others focus on feeding the poor overseas, they forget about the poor that live in their very own town, state or country. 

This is just my mindset.

It goes in a circle and takes me into so many different areas of this subject. It flip-flops back-and-forth between thinking about the needs of others, and what I could possibly do to help myself. How can I find a way to make things okay for everybody, if many won’t listen? How can I find help for myself if I don’t ask? The reason why I am putting this article out here to begin with is because I strongly feel that there are a lot of people who are going through a lot of similar things. Yes, my situation is different, but the worry and thought process could be the same. I want others to know that they are not alone. Just because I have the help of the heavens doesn’t mean that I don’t go through difficulties myself as well.

It’s not always easy for me either, you’re not alone

Yashua of Nazareth had his trials. He didn’t work a job after he began his mission of spreading the wisdom of heaven. He worked as a carpenter for a long time before that, though. He gave it up to preach to people. Back then they didn’t have the Internet, telephones, or television. They only had word of mouth, or written word. To enlighten others as much as he could, he had to travel. He had to live off of the donations of other people hoping that kind people would provide for not only himself, but his followers as well. 

Luckily, there were people that helped provide food and shelter. The New Testament in the Bible speaks of times where he found support. But those were only a few moments of charity that were highlighted in his story. Imagine how many other times when they couldn’t find a place to lay their head or a bite to eat? He spoke of faith and placing trust in the heavens that he and his followers would find what they needed to get by. Yes, let’s not forget that he performed miracles that proved that heaven was by their side. But that doesn’t mean that he didn’t run into times of hardship. He was persecuted after all.

 I have faced my own persecution during these times. As a messenger, I have had great difficulty spreading the word. The Internet may seem as if it provides more of an ability to reach greater numbers, but when you’re being blocked by the system, it makes things just as difficult as it would have been for Yashua, trying to get to other places that perhaps were not welcoming.

I have also had to rely on the money given to me through the services, teachings, and insight that I give. That’s why I’ve always kept prices low. People take advantage of things today, and if I left it open that a person could leave a donation for the service, many people would not have provided any kind of donation at all. And so I have tried to make it fair for everyone, including myself… to survive.

Yet while looking back on all of the hard work that I’ve put out there over the years, including things that I’ve done for free on my own time to benefit others, I found that it may be necessary to work another job as well. Last year, I actually tried that. I went on a job search and found a job serving in a restaurant. My daughter had gotten a job as a waitress sometime before that, and I thought that if she could do it, I could.

In doing so, I made things utterly uncomfortable for myself. I can’t tell you how many times I came home feeling like I was physically dying from something. I thought what a horrible existence. Could you imagine if I never got anywhere with my spiritual teachings? What if the world didn’t accept me? I would have had to feel like this every day of my life, working a regular job? The psychic torture That I would’ve had to have endured. I’m sure glad that everything worked out according to my life’s plan and purpose. I certainly couldn’t continue with it. I’m just not made for conventional society. I can float along with things as much as I can, but I am a non-conformist who has always lived life to the beat of my own drum. Well, that beat is the song of the heavens. That definitely makes it a little hard to go along with, especially in regards to the world today. It’s said to “be no part of this kingdom”.Yet the way that things are done here on earth, makes it very difficult for anyone to separate themselves from it. You’ll always be a part of it in some way, shape or form. Even me.

I wanted to earn more money and have the ability to pay my bills and fix any upcoming household issues. Things were not nearly all that horrible last year, but I could foresee that there would be hardships to come ahead. Sure enough, July 2022 brought its fair share of bad luck. Nevertheless, working in a public restaurant, or any other public place for that matter, totally destroyed me. All of the thoughts that I could pick up on from the people, things in their aura, Vibrations of the environment itself… It was all just too much.

I also have to mention that I also had to balance out my other responsibilities, and my work as a spiritual teacher. I certainly got behind on a lot of things, and I know that there were a lot of people that may have been frustrated with me because of the delays in receiving their services. But what could I do? I had to make things better somehow, someway. Luckily, enough, I have a kind individual who takes care of me with a lot of things. I have always called them “my angel”. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to get by. Especially now that I’m not working a second job. But I’m still left to the same needs.

Inflation is affecting everyone

When it comes to how inflation is effecting me, it’s been challenging. I have two toddlers, two older children, a home that has a lot of bills and repairs needed, and a business that I also have bills to pay for. Food also runs about $600 a week to feed all of those people. I don’t buy anything for myself since I don’t need to eat much. But even if I did eat, I couldn’t afford to buy groceries for myself. My daughter works, but that’s only enough money for her to pay her own bills. My heart breaks every time that I think of the poor families out there that can’t afford groceries. I shake my head in disbelief and my eyes tear up with genuine sympathy. I’m so blessed to have food to feed my family. I’m so blessed! It makes me glad that I don’t have enough for myself. If there are others out there that can’t eat, then while I appreciate the blessings and I’ll use what I have to care for the people that I’m responsible for, I myself will join those who are hungry.

Thinking about this time of year adds a sense of concern. Especially this year. I have enough faith to move mountains, but because there are so many people out there who don’t have enough faith, and they worry. I can feel their worries. Thoughts running through my mind such as:

“I hope everyone out there has enough food to eat, and a nice warm place to stay. I hope that nobody feels alone. I hope everyone is able to financially afford their needs, and that those who can’t, find someone to help”. 

It crosses my mind that now that it’s the holidays, it’s a time that is reserved for cherishing any festive moments that one can have with their family. That makes me think of my whole family. It makes me think of my father. Without him, there’s not much of a family anymore. I am the glue that holds the family together now, but my two oldest children are now growing up and have lives of their own. My mom has withdrawn into the world of her own where she doesn’t interact or do much with any of us. She never really did. At least when my father was alive, she would sit with us and be present. Now that he’s gone, she doesn’t even do that. The thought of my mom makes me think of others who are in a similar place. Why don’t people apple the people that they do have in their lives? Loss is hard, but there are still living people to be thankful for, and to not take that time with them for granted.

I have the two little ones but sometimes it would be nice to look forward to having family to visit or celebrate the holidays with instead of it always being just me and my two little toddlers. How many people have lost a loved one due to Covid, cancer, and how many other dangers or illnesses? So many. They’ll probably feel sad this holiday season. I can relate to them, how it feels to miss someone.

Then I think about how it’s getting cold outside, and I can longer enjoy a nice walk. I think about how the neighborhood is already starting to seem as if it’s empty because there’s no one outside, and that it’ll be this way for a while during the long winter months. That thought leads my mind into the next. 

 I start thinking about the homeless people that are going to be outside and how horrible it must be to have to go through such hardship. I remember when I was younger and didn’t have a place to stay. I had to sleep outside a few times back then. I was in college and didn’t have any money to find a place to stay. Any money that I did make while I was working, wasn’t enough to put a roof over my own head yet. Back then, my parents only had a small apartment, and it seemed that my mother had other plans that provided shelter for someone else rather than her daughter and grandson. It was a very hard time, but luckily it was during the summer and early fall. I never had to endure the cruelty of winter’s cold air. I put myself in the shoes of those who have to live that way, and it pains my heart to imagine that there are good people out there that can’t provide the most important necessity for themselves…a warm and safe place to stay.

My mind drifts into so many different thoughts. And leads me into thinking about how blessed many of us really truly are. But those blessings are not promised to last. Especially today with everything that’s happening in the world around us. Inflation is making even more people find it hard to provide. Many more people have been sent to the streets to live, because of the cost of living. Christmas is coming up and everything is so overpriced. I can imagine how many people out there truly feel a sense of worry during this time.

 No it’s not just me. 

Everyone is thinking about what they are going to do in order to just get by or even make things a little better. Social media has made our children care about things that are superficial and costly. As parents, many of us want to please our beloved children, but I have a feeling many kids are going to feel disappointed this year. Parents have to make it work no matter how difficult the situation is. Children fail to understand the value of money, and all of the tiring hours of hard work that their parents go through in order to earn it. 

My thoughts stay within the same subject, but branch off into different facets of it. 


What would I do for Christmas? What about the surgery that I have coming up? I’ve had to use everything that I have in order to provide necessities, but now Christmas is right around the corner. No doubt time will go just as quickly passed. I truly need a way to figure things through. Since July, I’ve had to help my mother pay for an electricity issue, pay for her washing machine that broke down, put up money to help fix her car since it’s my only means of transportation, and pay for the bills for the household. Doing all of that and having to pay for my own bills, support the kids, and supply food took everything that I had. 

I can only imagine how many other people are going through something similar. Thinking about them, I cried. Talking to my family just the other night, I told them that I couldn’t believe how many people failed to think about all of the individuals out there beyond their own homes. A friend of the family said that people can’t worry about the people beyond their household. They have to worry about their own family. 

That made me cry even more.

Thinking about Christmas led me to think about my kids. Thinking about the kids made me think about when I had them and how fast time has gone by since I had them. When thinking about when Alexander was born, that led me to think about my surgery even more. Beautiful little gift that God gave me didn’t come without difficulty. Since he was born abdominal cavities weakened and my organs underneath protruded. Three issues. Already, I’ve had one surgery to fix them. But the insurance said that it only covered one operation. Anything else, I would have to pay for. Right now, I need the same three areas fixed since the problems have returned. The doctor’s have told me it’s because I need a more intricate surgery in order to put everything back into place. I don’t care much about my appearances but I don’t think anybody would want their stomach looking like mine does. I was really trying hard to save up. $7000 is a lot.

The bump sticking out of my belly is the reason that I needed surgery after Zander was born. It returned and this year and is twice as big, needing a more intricate surgery to fix. I am twice as thin today than in the photo since I had just had the baby a few months before. It shows more now. I sometimes wrap my stomach to hide it.

That made me also think about all of the kind of people that try to look out for me. It made me grateful that I have what I have already. But then I thought about how blessed I truly am. And that made me think about how many people aren’t. Maybe living with the abdominal problems that I have, couldn’t be the worst thing that would ever happen. In the world, people are heartless, and mean, and of all of the individuals that I worry about that I don’t even know, and those that I do, I wish that I had the ability to fix any issues that they have. I’ve had my fair share of heartache and experience with hurtful people.

I never want anyone to hurt. As a heavenly creature, I have always seen that most human beings only look out for themselves, and while they do nice things for others… They always look out for themselves first. I’ve also seen how humans really only love while having conditions. That means that they also help others with conditions as well. I’m not talking about anyone specifically, dear reader. I am just telling you what I have experienced throughout my life when it comes to the world.

But heaven has always tried to prove something to me.

My situation is the way that it is, for them to show me something. Since I was a young girl, I’ve always told the heavens that human beings seemed to be without a true definition of love. That made me think about a person who once asked me why as an angel, I can’t manifest millions of dollars for myself.

It makes me giggle a little bit. 

I needed to giggle, 

I’m tired of the tears. 

Thinking about that question, I wonder how it could be so hard for them to see the truth. Let’s say that even if I could manifest a million, why would I want to do that for myself? Why not manifest a million dollars for some individual out there that needs it more? I may have had hardships and struggles that I have a roof over my head and food for my family to eat. I could manifest anything. And I do. But not for myself. There have been things that I’ve done on a grand scale, but I would never talk about it publicly. I’m sure there have been a lot of people that have had some surprises in their lives throughout time because of that. There have been a lot of people that have gotten even smaller surprises in their lives, and some of them knew that it was me lol. This is just the current cycle of my thought process. I apologize for rambling, but then again it is my own diary, and there should be no need for me to say that I’m sorry. My mind and heart together are truly tumultuous.

Why would a divine creature choose to be wealthy? Wouldn’t that take away from their example of living as a humble person? The heavens did not grant me wealth because they wanted me to be aware of every single time that they have ever helped me. It’s true that in the darkness, the light is more visible, is it not? I would have seen that light, no matter what, but it was truly a miraculous thing to have been able to see all of the times that they rescued me. And no, I’m not talking about things that people could have thought of as just coincidence. 

Just for one simple example… 

This takes my mind back to the time that I mentioned earlier of when I was without a place to stay. My son Noah was one year old. I was always worried about making sure that he had what he needed. I would pray, while walking from location to location, that the heavens could somehow provide for us. I had only just finished saying the prayer and walking just a little further ahead I would look down and find a $20 bill on the ground. 

This didn’t happen once, and it didn’t happen twice. It didn’t even happen just three times. It happened every day, from the time that I started to ask for help in that prayer, up until the time when the situation was resolved. Imagine that! Could that be a coincidence? Perhaps one could say it was a coincidence if it had only been just a few times, but this was daily. There have been so many other things like that from situations that were smaller, the ones that were greatly important. If there was ever anyone in this world, that could say that they were truly blessed, that individual is me.

Coming back to the individual who asked me why I don’t manifest a lot of money for myself, I have a question for them. 

With the help that heaven has provided me with, do I really need $1 million afterall? Why not use the power of the heavens to help others that don’t have as much assistance from the heavens in their everyday situations? It makes a lot of sense doesn’t it? My thoughts could go on and on lol. But to add to this and conclude it, I wonder what people would choose if they were offered $1 million or ongoing help from the heavens throughout life in a situation of need? That is truly something to think about isn’t it? Maybe then people will understand.

With all of the help that heaven has provided me with, they not only help me through sudden miracles… But they help me through other people too. They wanted to prove to me that there are good people out there that actually care. Sure it’s hard for me to imagine since I have seen a lot of ugliness in the world. I have often talked about the compassion that I feel regarding others, including strangers, more than I have heard anyone else exclaim it. It made me wonder if people truly have the ability out there to love one another as they should. 

Before coming here, and throughout my experience on earth, I have always said that human beings seemed to be without the true definition of love and virtue as heaven displays it. Anyone can certainly see that mankind has been responsible for hurting each other throughout time, more than they have helped one another. Even looking at the world today it is obvious that people are becoming even colder and self-serving. 

Yet I believe that, while I am here to teach others how to develop heavenly love, heaven also wanted me to see that while there may not be anyone on earth with the true definition of love as heavenly beings give it, there are kind loving people in the world nonetheless. The heavens have shown me this through the kind things that people have done for me that have really made a difference.

I strive to look for goodness and kindness all around me, and I do see it out there. There are a lot of people that contribute to charities, fight for worthy causes, and those who would lay their life down for a friend if it meant saving them. I have even heard of people that have donated an organ to someone who needed one. I have even heard stories of people that have risked their lives for a stranger. Firefighters do it all the time. There are a lot of beautiful people in the world, and I am so happy to know that, even through my own experiences personally. I truly have had the gift of living on earth to learn this wonderful lesson. Even now, there is a wonderful person in my life that has done more for me than anyone else. Aside from my own father, they have truly taken care of me. That alone proves that there are people in the world that have the ability to learn how to love and care for others, the way that heaven would. 

Love doesn’t just come in the form of helping someone out with financial assistance, and one cannot say that love is just as simple as being a listening ear either. Love falls everywhere in between. “To love” means that you would do anything that you had to do in order to help somebody, in any way that you could offer, according to your means. if the person was in trouble and they were in need of specific things, the person that loves them would fight to find a way to find those things. Love is always putting one’s self aside for the sake of others.

It again circles me back to my earlier thoughts regarding the question of the one individual who asked me why I don’t manifest $1 million for myself. I can’t get over that lol. Even if I did manifest a world of wealth like that, I probably wouldn’t have had it for very long anyhow. I know that I would have given so much of it away to people in need, that none of it would be left.

People talk about winning the lottery all of the time and in hypothetical conversations they go through a list of “what if’s”, regarding what they do with their winnings. I have heard conversations like that and people almost always have included what they would do to help others or at least somebody close to them. I wonder how many people would actually go through with the things on that list if they actually won? I would do a lot of things that would help other people and for myself all I would care about would be to make sure that I was humbly able to live safely and comfortably. But then again, that wouldn’t be for myself. I could live through any given situation, no matter how bad the circumstances. I would want the safety and comfortability for my loved ones. My intentions are always focused on others.

With any winnings, I would have given a proportion to someone who was in more need than me, that I would still have enough left to help more than one person. That’s because through all of the wonderful things that heaven has done for me in my life (just like the $20 that I found everyday on the ground when I was without, the insight and healing that they’ve done through me for others, and for all of the bigger things that they’ve helped me with) I would want to give another human being that feeling of finding a miracle. There have been a lot of people in my life already who have all told me that I worry far too much about other people, rather than myself. Those closest to me, feel as though I have really hurt myself in doing so. I wonder if anyone knows what it’s like to truly give to others until you have nothing left yourself?

I know that you must already be getting tired of hearing my rambling right now. But where else am I supposed to vent out my thoughts? Heaven already knows everything that I’m thinking and feeling. Sometimes it’s nice to have human ears that can hear you out. It seems that no matter how many people I talk to about what I’m thinking and feeling, it doesn’t seem to hit them deep in their core. 

Being so virtuous and compassionate, sometimes I feel utterly alone in this world. If you’re reading from any of my websites, especially this diary, then you are one of the deeper people out there. I know that you must feel the same way sometimes. There aren’t many who dwell on things like this. 

Do you? 

Do your thoughts sometimes circle around the way that mine do? 

Do you have thoughts of the world and of what you wish you could change in it? 

The world is full of useless distractions. It seems that the leaders know exactly what they’re doing when they allow certain things on social media. They say that this generation is “woke”. But all that I see, is the fulfillment of many of the prophecies that I predicted, coming true. If you’re a student of mine, then you should already know that all that is happening today really only applies in terms of an agenda that is being greatly promoted. I have been talking about the corruption that is behind the face front of many different things for the longest time now. In fact, when I started to reveal things like that and more, I was considered to be a conspiracy theorist. I was censored from being able to freely express myself in regards to what I knew. Now I hear of many people talking about the very same things and it truly hurts my heart. It hurt me because nobody wanted to listen when I spoke out. But what hurts me most of all is that they are still missing the bigger picture.

Anyone can claim to be awake these days. Just because people can see that the government is corrupt doesn’t mean that they are awake. Being awake means that you’re not only seeing the problem, but that you are changing so that you can be a part of the greater change. Yet so many people are boosting their own egos and act as if nobody has ever said any of this before. There is something so much deeper than what most people see, and I can tell you that many of them are playing into the agenda even still. I have so much that I want to teach people, but sometimes my thoughts take me deep into my mind and I wonder whether it’s even worth it to try anymore. Everyone deserves the truth, but when the truth requires change… many will turn the other cheek.

Right now, all that I want is for the world to change. I want everyone everywhere in a matter who they are, to be OK. The heavens have foretold of so much more to come. All that I want is to know that there are still good people out there that are truly seeking spiritual enlightenment, and who desire real change within themselves. It is easier for so many out there to join the flock and go along with what everyone else is doing. It’s easier to give into urges for self indulgences. Everyone is sad and struggling, and looking for anything that can take away the stress, and for many…their pain. 

I know pain.

I experience everyone else’s on top of my own. It is a great burden to live with, being who I am.

For now, I can’t change the entire world. Miracles for a lot of people are slim to none. Or at least that’s what they think. So many people really are blessed. They simply fail to see it. If others could see more help. I am grateful with all that I am that the heavens have walked through many difficult times in my life. Most of all, I’m blessed that they’ve given me the ability to help other people. That alone is my true meaning to life. In the meantime, I have faith that my heavenly family will help me with the things that I need assistance with. They’ve never left me without help before.

The most important lesson that I want others to gain from this diary entry here is that even if I don’t receive the help somehow, I’m still more than grateful for everything that heaven has done for me throughout my life, and to be disappointed would be truly a sign of ingratitude. Faith can move mountains. Even just recently, I’ve had a great sign of hope that I may be able to get the surgery done. In my previous entry on this site I spoke of how Heaven always helps through the people here in this world that are open to doing the works of the angels. I was speaking in regards to others who are open to seeing signs that the heavens want them to help through feeling moved to do something when they hear that someone else is in need. That’s not just in reference to myself, but even for other people. I know of a few people even in my spiritual circle that have been there for other group members too. I had a very nice person come along a month ago who read my blog and mentioned that they would do the best that they could to try to raise some money and donate it to help me out. I’ve had another person who also bought many readings to help me. It’s nice that they purchased services, and that way it’s an even exchange. And so I do have hope that at least that’ll be one thing less that I’ll have to worry about, if everything works out the way that it should. But things happen, and I know that the matrix always tries to make things difficult for me, especially where heaven tries to make it easier.

They won’t provide me any insight on the outcome because I believe they want me to continue to be an example, that whatever they decide either way, I will be OK with.

Hopefully this will teach others to accept the decisions of heaven in their own situations, whether they work out or not for them. It’s also a lesson to believe in miracles and that they will always be there for those that truly have faith. Even if a person doesn’t have the result that they’re looking for in their situation, it doesn’t mean that the heavens aren’t there for them. I hope that everyone will always look for the miracles in their own lives, great and small.

As for now, my thoughts continue to whirl around in concern for everybody these days. As I try to find ways to improve my own situation, I am always looking to do what I can to help others. Through all of my love and concern that I have felt especially recently for the people in the world, I’m not standing by and doing nothing. I am one of those individuals that heaven does their work through, and I’ve been raising canned goods, blankets and coats for the homeless. I do it every year.

If you have anything that you can send in regards to canned goods, blankets, used clothing, or coats that you don’t need, feel free to send it my way, and I will gather it together before the holidays to take it where I know people need it most. You don’t have to. Only if you have anything that you don’t need, or can I encourage you to take to a shelter in your own area? I don’t post as much about doing charity since I don’t look for praise. I hope this reminded anyone out there who may have forgotten to give, to donate somehow. I know what it’s like to have a lot going on that things can slip one’s mind. But one blanket, one meal, $1, anything small means something big to someone in need.

If your thoughts are like mine, pondering over the conditions of the world end of your own life… Just know that you’re not alone. I’m so grateful that you have such an open mind and heart that you care and that you are doing whatever it is that you’re doing, to be a better change, you’re in this world. Even if that just means that you’re helping yourself to change. I send you my love.

For future reference, I’ll add diary-like entries more often. I suppose that everyone knew that I was posting about my life and thoughts, and that this was like a spiritual journal of sorts. This site gives you a view into my mind, heart, soul, and my daily life. Everyone gives me the honor and privilege of allowing me into their personal and private lives, as well as their soul. Why shouldn’t I give them the same respect in return?

An important reason you feel sick a lot

Greetings! Welcome back. 

I wanted to post an article that served as something like an update about a few articles that I posted throughout time that held major clues in regards to prophetic visions that I had. Those visions were in regards to dark consciousness, world events of today, and a little topic concerning the lungs and lantern flies.

Not long ago I wrote an article about there being black stuff that was coming down through the air and that it was purposely done so. I also mentioned how the lantern flies were sent for a reason. Well if ever there was a right time to explain, that would be now. 

In one of the messages on Alura’s Angels, it was revealed that the lantern flies are merely just a cover-up for the biological warfare that they’ve used in sending a very deadly type of mold that gets into the lungs.

 I spoke about this in an article when I was referring to dark consciousness. If you’re not a member of the website already, to access the article you may have to subscribe. It’s in one of the angel messages or prophecies that I have there. I believe it was in the message of Angel Bath Kol. 

Forgive me for not remembering, I’ve done so many messages for the heavens, and there’s been so many different topics covered there. You can certainly go to the site and search for the term “lantern flies”. It should take you right to the right article.

 I was hoping that my followers would put the clues together. I know that there are some who would really prefer that I just come out and directly reveal things instead of putting some of the prophecies in the form of parables. But please understand that it is very dangerous for me to post about certain things these days. Nonetheless, I feel that if I break up the truth into parts and put it into clues that my followers can look for, it makes it a little easier to get it out there onto the Internet. If I post a prophecy in riddle form on my Angel’s website, add some more details on my blog at Alura’s World, then I can provide further clarity here. 

This makes it so that it’s not all right in one place and not as obvious. I hope that it doesn’t make things too complicated for any of you out there who follow me faithfully. 

Getting back to the subject at hand, The lantern flies really play a significant role in regards to the subject of dark consciousness. The media says that the lantern flies are responsible for the black mold-like substance that grows all over agriculture. Yet I’ve had so many of these lantern flies in my yard over the last few years, and I haven’t seen any black mold caused by them on the plants. What I have seen, connects into my predictions. 

The mold comes from what I was referring to in this entry here. It was written on March 18, 2019. The lantern flies were said to have allegedly arrived on American soil in 2014. But there hadn’t been much mention of them prior to 2018. As of 2016, I’ve been talking about the agenda and the oncoming shift in consciousness that it would bring. I released “Dark Consciousness” in 2017, writing more on it as years went by. By 2018, the world was affected by the shift. 

The following year of 2019, the world was in preparation for what was about to come. And when I say the world, I mean the leaders of it. It was obvious that many people were unaware of the events to happen in 2020. When I released the article in 2019 for 2020, I think many people had trouble imagining that there would be so many awful things that would take place. 

Nevertheless, a lot of things that I’ve said are now openly coming true. I will be doing a video to mark which predictions have happened over time. In the meantime, as you can see, the world is now becoming more aware of a black mold that is permeating the soil throughout the United States. This is something that I was talking about when I spoke of there being a biological weapon. The entire world has mold going through the air, and once it lands, it doesn’t take much time for it to spread. According to “Smithsonian Magazine” it’s found everywhere and causes terrible lung infections. It’s exactly what I’ve been dropping clues about!

“Healthy adults and children can typically fend off a potential fungal infection, but some people—such as older adults, infants and individuals with compromised immune symptoms—have more trouble. Breathing in these fungi can cause them fatigue, fever, cough and other symptoms. Doctors, meanwhile, easily mistake these fungal infections for something else, such as Covid-19, tuberculosis or bacterial pneumonia”.

“The researchers looked at three main kinds of soil fungi that can cause lung infections in the U.S.: histoplasma, coccidioides and blastomyces. During construction, farming, landscaping and other disruptive activities, the soil can release fungal spores into the air. Once airborne, the spores make their way into the lungs and breathing passages of nearby humans.

Smithsonian Magazine;
Sarah Kuta
Daily Correspondent
November 28, 2022

Back to the lantern flies, I have a garden outside myself. The lantern flies sure do eat up a lot of the leaves of my vegetables, but there’s never been any black substance. The only time I’ve seen a black substance was in the last two years, including this one, where pumpkins or any other type of outdoor decorative plant that I have left outside, became covered in black mold. To add to this, we also have black mold in our home. I believe many people have it from getting within the ventilation systems and any open windows. Not only is the terrible pollution because of people feeling extremely fatigued, but black mold poisoning also causes the same type of symptoms throughout time.

If you remember, I wrote an article combating what other people were saying in regards to awakening symptoms. I had compared carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms to a lot of the symptoms of awakening that were listed throughout the mainstream websites for spirituality. The delusion of the New Age movement had people believing that when they were feeling ill, it was because of awakening. Sure, you’ll feel a lot of emotional turmoil through awakening, but your body should never feel physically ill. Because of the black mold in the air and the a really toxic carbon monoxide that exists within our atmosphere, what many people are experiencing today comes from the fact that our world is so polluted from human beings, and that the agenda has also unleashed the biological weapon that has some kind of mold in it, that weakens a person’s immune system. When you add the fact that they’ve released quite a few different viruses that affect the lungs mainly, you can see that they’re clearly trying to connect it all together to look like a natural phenomenon. 

This is especially dangerous for the elderly and for children. If you think about Covid, it wiped out a lot of elderly people. Now there are viruses that are attacking children, especially. I visit a lot of park areas for recreation, but my children are not allowed to play on equipment anymore. I would highly suggest that people consider wearing a paper hospital mask over their faces when they go outside and to use an air purifier indoors. If you have children, make sure that you use hand sanitizer a lot. Also wipe down your door handles and any other knobs in the house, with bleach wipes.

If for any reason, you see any kind of light, gray or black, dusting on the walls or ceiling of your home, or any kind of dusty hair, like fibers accumulating on your furniture or knickknacks even as soon as overnight after you’ve clean them, then you can pretty much be sure that you have mold getting into your house. You may want to make sure that your ventilation system and windows don’t have any leaks, and that you wash yourself pretty well when coming in from outdoors. Never wear the same clothes twice without washing. 

I can’t provide any other solutions to the issues that the world is facing today. However, putting this truth out there I can at least help people to understand what’s happening a lot better. The lantern flies were definitely a cover-up, but they’re also being used to devastate our farm lands. Between famine and pestilence, food is becoming pretty scarce. This also adds the fact that we’re going through inflation in there are issues with trade in the import and export system. This is also something that I warned about in the angelic prophecies. Please make sure that you do your best to keep yourself germ free, and to protect your lungs in any way that you can possible. Boost your immune systems and use Mullein. It helps. While

A good Light Therapy healing can also eradicate issues in the body that all of the above tips alone can’t fully help with. 

Many of you have had symptoms of a cold for a long time. The air is toxic, the world is toxic… in more ways than one. Be safe and healthy!

The anxiety of knowing

Recently, I was so very deeply touched by one of my students who came to me in my messages on my app. I was previously thinking about deleting my group on Facebook because of the difficulties that I’ve had in expanding my reach beyond them. Yet, even though my student respected whatever my decision would come to be… She recently asked me to not delete them. 

The reason why was because she was so concerned about the emotional health of the people in the group that she felt that it was a good place for them to find support. She had even said that she wanted me to keep the group up even if I never commented in it ever again. She touched my heart so much that I truly felt inclined to keep the group up indefinitely.

The reason why she had sent the message to begin with was because of another group member who had posted their feelings about some of the prophetic visions that I’ve included in the many “Angelic Heralds”, on my “Aluras Angels” website. Throughout time, they’ve all been very detailed about the many things that the angels have revealed to me regarding things to come in the future. A lot of those things have come to take place, but there are still so many more events to come. 

There seems to be an underlying common theme to all of the messages throughout time, if you read them all in order and try to understand beyond the surface. Many of my readers often have difficulty discerning the meaning of some of the prophecies because they are written in parables. However, I think that anyone who truly has a love of spirit and seeks to truly understand, can have the ability to decipher the meaning behind those messages if they really tried to. I have taught my students extremely well. By this point in time, many of them should have enough insight on how to understand. 

For those who are still struggling with understanding the cryptic prophecies, I truly don’t blame them. I know that sometimes it’s overwhelming enough just to read the parts that are in clear Layman’s terms that it might distract them from being able to focus and decipher through the metaphorical descriptions. Yet, I have to say that it’s important that I put the heavenly messages in the exact wording that the heavens provided them in. This is because the heavens feel that anyone who is meant to understand the message, will. If they don’t, then perhaps it’s just not time for them to. There could be a variety of reasons as to why it just may not be meant for them to understand. 

For one, they may be too sensitive, and can’t handle the truth behind the message. Heaven may be trying to protect those sensitive hearts by making it difficult for them to understand me on the surface…

Because of the prophecies, the heavens have provided a great deal of advice regarding how to be better prepared. In fact many of my clients have come and asked how they can be more prepared. They’ve asked if they should relocate somewhere else, and if so, where and when? Some of those clients happened to be in Florida. 

The heavens provided the insight for them that they should leave Florida to avoid any upcoming catastrophes that were on the way. Florida won’t be the only place that’ll experience many destructive events, it’ll happen all over the world. But for the sake of this example, many of them happened to be from Florida.  Quite a few of my Florida clients were told to leave by October in order to avoid any difficulties. One of my Florida students in particular, had asked when to expect a hurricane. She had read in one of the Angelic Herald messages that had revealed that there would be a hurricane. She wanted to know when it would happen, so that she could relocate if needed. The hurricane ended up happening just as I had told her that it would, on the brink of October. Hurricane Ian was certainly a destructive force. 

Many of the other Florida students that had come for insight as to whether they should relocate or not and when… hadn’t taken the advice to relocate after all. Instead, they remained right where they were. Hurricane Ian destroyed a lot of their homes. My heart truly goes out to them. Yet it should be a reminder that it’s important to listen to the heavenly insight so that everyone can be properly prepared. There are still so many things that are to come. This wasn’t the only example of how people did not listen to their heavenly insight and ended up facing a difficult consequence. It’s not a punishment, it’s a “cause and effect”.

For example, if someone tells you that a bomb is going to explode on main street, you certainly aren’t going to go stand on Main Street. I’m sure you understand what I mean. The point is, if you don’t listen to the advice that heaven provides for you and your family to stay safe, whatever happens is because of your own decision. It’s important to take the advice seriously.

Let me just say that the last herald had a lot of prophetic visions in it, but many of the Angelic Herald messages all have an underlying common theme. For years now, the heavens have been trying diligently to provide us with the insight that we need to stay a few steps ahead. Many of the Angelic Heralds, as well as the one just recently posted, have all pointed in the direction of there being war on a global scale. One of the prophetic messages mentioned countries at war with each other, but the names of the countries were disguised as animals. The recent angelic herald had some pretty cryptic truth in there, but some of it was pretty clear. “Stars falling from the sky”, “bombs bursting in air”, etc.

To add to the validity of the prophecies that were provided in 2016 and onward, we now have talks of nuclear war going on. I don’t want to scare anyone but it’s important to point out that the United States just purchased a new drug in October 2022, that is supposed to help save lives in the event that there something causes exposure to extreme radiation. Nuclear warfare definitely exposes people to radiation. With the amount of debt that the United States has right now, I doubt that they would invest in to something if they did not know something that made it important for them to do so. I’ve told family, friends, and everyone out there online who reads my work, that they really do need to keep themselves safe. Here is the link to the drug if you don’t believe me. It’s a drug made in case of nuclear danger.

The heavens have given me a location on where to go for me and my loved ones. Sadly, the matrix is always messing with me in order to try to take me down or get rid of me entirely. This isn’t anything new. I have had to deal with it since I was a child. You can’t imagine how many near death experiences I’ve had already, just in this lifetime. I have faith that the heavens will help me, but we are running out of time. I am experiencing some trouble financially still, and I know that the heavens understand that I still need some time to get some things together.

Recently Saturn brought some bad luck upon my mom and her house, which we all live in and that has been pretty costly. I also need to get surgery and unfortunately my health insurance won’t cover it. I’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for it and it’s going to be a lot of money. I am supporting everyone in the house right now on the income that I have, and with inflation, it just isn’t going very far. I’ve had some very nice people who have helped me by purchasing some services so that I could add the funds to whatever I needed. I’m certainly very thankful for that.

However, this time, I’m in a little bit of a jam where the amount of funds that I need is just far too much that it’s going to take me quite a while to gather it all together. It seems that the malevolent forces that always try to come against me have finally found a way to make life difficult.

The reason why I am saying all of this, is because… if any of you are able to take heaven’s advice to relocate to the location that they advised you to, don’t hesitate. I am praying diligently that I still have enough time to be able to get my surgery and get where I need to go before the bigger things happen. For those of you that are in a similar situation, I want you to know that I am praying for you all too.

I love you all so very much and I am truly sorry if any of the messages in the Angelic Herald caused you any anxiety or grief, but I am just trying to help. It’s so important to take the words of heaven seriously, especially now. For some of us, there may be forces at work that are making it a little impossible to make a move at this time but I know that heaven will find a way. Please don’t fear and pray with great faith that you’ll be helped at the appropriate time.

I know that many people wonder why I face so much adversity when I have heaven on my side. Heaven does help me, believe me they do. They have done so much for me. But I am here in the devil’s playground so to speak, and there are far more evil forces here. Those forces don’t want me here and they certainly don’t want me teaching truth or speaking for the heavens while I am here. They even try to scare off my students by causing them bad luck and implanting negative thoughts in their minds. I really hope that you stay strong and that you never give up on me. Your love and your belief alone give me the motivation and strength to continue fighting.

The heavens want everyone to know that there’s no need to fear. All things that are happening, are happening this way because they’re meant to. If everyone has faith and seeks out the advice of the heavens, they will be safe. For those who can’t seek answers, if they have faith, I am sure that heaven will protect them somehow as well. Even in this very trying time in my life, I am not losing any faith myself. In fact my faith is stronger. I hope that hearing of the trials that I’m facing and the blockage that it creates, that you’ll be inspired to still remain just as strong as I am, when facing your own hardships. It’s not easy to live in this world and especially to be responsible for others while you’re living in it. I know all too well how expensive it can be to support a large family, home and bills.

For those of you that don’t have those responsibilities, be grateful for the easier road that you have in your life. Show that gratitude to those that are sheltering you and caring for you.

In the meantime, I will continue to look for property where I need to go, and I will keep my scheduled surgery date in faith and hope that heaven will help me. Whether you’re having personal difficulties, money troubles, health problems, family issues, or if you are just concerned about things that are coming in the future regarding the world, if you are struggling with faith in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on my app. I’m here to help you. I know that life can be difficult and that the difficulties can try to mess with your faith. I see it through many people that come to me struggling with theirs. I have helped countless numbers of people both restore their faith and find a way to feel more hopeful.

I will post a video just as soon as I can. I hope that it will help everyone to lessen the anxiety that they may have regarding the prophecies for the future. Please send in any questions or concerns that you have, so that I can address them in the new video. I’ll put up a post on Facebook where everyone can comment what they want to know or talk about. Remember, I’m not allowed to talk about something’s, if heaven hasn’t permitted me to. I feel I’ll be able to answer slot of your questions and add helpful insight nonetheless.Please send in your question/s only in the comments on that post though. I want to stay organized to better have a chance at answering as many as I can.

I hope that you all know that you’re loved so very much and that I only ever just seek to do what the heavens guide me to do. Just as much, I’m not only do what they guide me to do for others but I’ll also listen to the advice that they give to me for myself. I trust them.

If you read the messages through the angelic Herald, don’t dwell on them and trust that if Heaven has given you a plan, it’ll all work out for the best 

A special thank you to my beloved friend Shauna, for caring about my work and the well being of others. I know that many of you feel the same, but I wanted to express my gratitude to her because she gave love and showed concern toward another group member when they were having difficulty recently. The Facebook group will remain”.

The adventure of Gidget, the mommy Ladybug, and animal totem.

I sat in my living room, cuddled up with my four year old. We were watching her “one hour” television time for the day. She had spent the day with her two year old brother playing and doing some art. But now it was time for just us girls. My little man had been put to bed and we went upstairs so as not to wake him. This was before I had lost most of my electricity.  

In the meantime, we wanted to enjoy the time that we had together. 

It was an amazing thing because we had just watched a movie called “Miniscule” about an adventure of a ladybug that got lost from his family and while looking for them, made friends with an army of ants. It was an adorable little cartoon. But here, as I looked up at the ceiling there were two ladybugs here in our home as well! 

What a coincidence right? As I got up to inspect them, I saw that it was a mother and baby ladybug pair. I looked at the spots and markings very closely and I pointed them out to my little girl. She was excited that the little character from our movie had come for a visit, so she thought. That would be what the mind of a child would conclude right? I went with it.

We watched them for a little while in amazement, these two beautiful creatures designed and created by the heavens. Ladybugs have always been a symbol in my family because they strongly related to my grandmother who loved them. She loved them so much that she had ladybug decorations in her home. Of course she loved hummingbirds too,  but ladybugs seemed to stick out with her more. She passed a few of her animal totems to me when she died. When she passed away, thousands of ladybugs had somehow gathered on the side of my house. It was another odd and rare occurrence. I have never seen so many ladybugs in one spot. 

Animal totem, mysticism, ladybugs,  animal spirit

But that night there were two of them in my home. We watched the interesting show of their flight, and suddenly out of curiosity she asked me what their names were. Being able to channel most things, I asked the mom what her name was. 

She told me her name was Gidget.

 I couldn’t get the name of the little one though. 

Gidget had told me about how they had come in through my back door after having to escape a predator. However she never mentioned what predator that was. Knowing insects, it could’ve been anything. I decided to leave them alone. Me and my little girl sat back down and had a wonderful discussion about creation and when we turned to look to see if the two ladybugs were still there, only the baby was left. 

Baby was left all alone. Where was the mother?  Frantically, we looked around to see if we could find her. Due to the movie we had seen, we didn’t want to see this little baby ladybug get separated from their family, and so we searched diligently. Finally we found the mother at a distance on the other side of the house. We picked her up and brought her back to her baby. We gathered both up in a cup, and took them both back outside. We put them in our garden.

The next night, both of my little ones were asleep downstairs. There were no little rascals awake to keep me company. I was just about to begin working. I had a couple of clients on schedule but I also had to finish up a few previous tasks. It was super quiet. I like it like that as it brings an essence of peace to my home. But in the midst of the quiet, I could hear a clicking against the wall. I looked and to my surprise the mother and baby ladybug had returned.

 I inspected their markings again to make sure that it was the same pair. The mommy and baby from the previous night before had very distinct markings. The mother had been almost an orange/red color and had six spots scattered on her back. She had four spots on one side, and two on the other. For the baby, he had been a little bit more on the orange side and had two spots. Both at the top near his head, one on each wing. I could confidently say that it was the same two. 

It was exciting to see them back in the house again. But how? We had let them go in the garden and they certainly wouldn’t have known to just come back through the door. We hadn’t had the door open much that day either. I was very surprised, but also a little bit puzzled. My mind was trying to figure out how this could be. I wondered if there may be a nest somewhere in my house and they knew to return to it? It was just too odd.

When I found them all in my home again for the second time, I had to inquire of the ladybug what she and her baby had been doing that led to them getting into the house. When hearing that they were being chased by a predator, I was more than intrigued to find out the rest of the story. The mother ladybug told me that on that first day, she was spending the day helping her baby ladybug to learn how to fly. After he got the hang of it, they rested in a very large forest.  

Animal totem, mysticism, ladybugs,  animal spirit

Nevertheless, they were let out again. Seeing them come into the house twice was already a sign but if they returned a third time? I would just know in my heart that there was a significant meaning. Sure enough, on the third night they returned. This time they brought with them the father ladybug. I truly hadn’t seen him before until now. I was really amazed by all of this. How truly exciting. Most people would have probably just squished them. But me? I was delighted in their company. I let them have a free roam of my house and I was excited to tell my little girl how they had come back again for a third time.

I worked over the course of the night. The ladybug family stayed on the living room wall. But a few hours into my work I started getting a little bit of a negative feeling from behind me, where the ladybugs were. I just nonchalantly turned around to take a glance, but it was then that  I saw a spider. It was slowly creeping closer and closer toward them on the ceiling. He was an ugly little bugger, red and brown. He was definitely headed in their direction. 

Spiders weren’t really too much of a surprising encounter in my home since we always have had so many of them. Just recently,  we found a huge spider in my laundry room that looked much like a tarantula. My son also shared with me that he was getting spiders in his room quite often. I know that spiders often come out from their hiding places when it’s humid. It has been hot lately, and I figured that they were coming out of the walls in order to cool off. I hadn’t seen one myself in about a week or two. 

My Lady bug guests were just gathering together as an innocent little family, when this mean spider decided he was going to try to make a meal out of them. Well I just had to stop it! I grabbed the spider in a napkin and threw it out the back door. Afterwards, I gathered the ladybug family together in a cup and put them on my grapevine outside. I figured that they would be safe there while taking cover under the large grape leaves.

Animal totem, mysticism, ladybugs,  animal spirit

The next morning, I was giving you kids breakfast and I happened to see that the little ladybug had gotten back in again. This time the rest of the family hadn’t been with them. I wondered what happened to them all. And so I communicated with the little guy to find out.

I showed the kids and then I let the ladybug go, taking them a little further away from the house at a time to ensure that he wouldn’t find his way back in again. What was the meaning of all of this? It wouldn’t be hard for me to interpret.

Ladybugs are a symbol of metamorphosis, just like the butterfly. They also represent family. They represent love, and partnership. I believe I did another article somewhere on my other website about the ladybug spirit totem. But in this case it wasn’t just about them being a ladybug, it was the overall message that they brought with them. It seems that these innocent creatures were always being stalked by a predator. Predators can represent a lot of different people in a person’s life, but spiders themselves represent people who will suck the life right out of you and leave you empty. It seems that as a mother with two children, there must be something or someone in my life that is trying to do just that. An entity? A person? A resource? Only the heavens know.

Protecting the ladybug family from the spider represented that there is definitely someone behind the scenes protecting me and my family. 

Appearing in the home was a sign that me and the kids feel a little bit cooped up in the house together lately. But even though there’s a great big world outside, it’s full of even more danger. It shows that we should always remember to be grateful that we have security and a safe haven. They got separated multiple times and so that is the sign that I need to keep a better eye out on the children. I am always right there by their side, but perhaps these ladybugs are trying to warn me of something to come. Perhaps that means that I’ll have to pay extra special attention to where the kids are at all times,until that time comes.

Ladybugs are also in some cultures seen as a sign of good fortune. Having a whole family of them appearing in my home together, tells me that even though we have hard times now, that will be blessed later in the future. I have had a hard time. Seeing these little creatures definitely served as a promise, but also a warning. It was nice to see the little family travel together and that I could keep them safe as they were visiting my home inside. 

It’s a wonder that people can still find such great amusement in these tiny little simple things. More and more every day, people become so lost in their technology. I don’t see children playing outside nearly as much as I used to. When I was a kid, we had to play outside. We were told to find something to do, even if it didn’t seem as if there was much of anything to do at all. I would always converse eight with the heavens and any divine messenger that they sent to me. They would show me all kinds of wonderful things, such as insects, clouds, birds, even just little blades of grass that contained a whole world underneath of it. I’m glad that I can teach my own children to be just as fascinated with the same. 

Seeing the ladybugs had its own separate meaning for my little girl too. A ladybug and her mother, represents how strong our bond is and that she should always look to me as a role model and guide. The mother ladybug was guiding her baby after all. They should also teach her that there are many dangers in the world, and in order to be wise and escape them, that she should look to me for answers and safety.

The ladybug appearing in our lives was not only a symbol of something, but a wonderful gift. I’m angelic and so any creature when it visits, is definitely a wonderful encounter. I’ve met a lot of life forms.  Star beings, deities, elementals, humans, animals and insects from all over Earth, its spiritual worlds, and beyond it. I have always seen everyone among those, to be a gift to the Universe in their own ways. Although, no offense intended….the human race is one out of the very few races who are a most destructive species. 

I have a great idea based on this post. I’ll add it to my Facebook profile. 

Forest? I know now that she meant the grass in my backyard. She had said that there was a very large wasp chasing them. I was a little surprised to hear that that was happening, because she had entered the home I thought, at night. She clarified that it didn’t happen at night. She and her baby ladybug had actually been hiding out in my home having arrived in the late afternoon. She told me that they were a little intimidated by the loud thumbs and booms of our footsteps and the barking dog. Yet she felt some type of safety there, the form of motherly protection around her which she found later, to be my energy. She told me that it wasn’t until we turned on the living room lamp that she knew that the light was a sign of hope and escape. They could see us sitting on the sofa, and she knew that I wouldn’t harm them.

She was very thankful that I relocated them outside, but it seems that the same wasp had somehow tracked them down again the next day. She entered the home with her baby the second time, through a crack in the sliding glass door that was made when my mother opened it just enough to throw the trash out on the back deck to be taken down to the garbage cans. My garden really wasn’t all that far away from my back door. When we put them outside again, she had found her partner. The father ladybug had been looking for his wife and child for the last couple of days. For ladybugs, days seem like years. It was a bittersweet reunion.

But just as he had found them, it started to rain and she remembered the warmth of being inside my home. The mother lady bug had led her husband and child back inside. They all had witnessed how I had saved them from the spider that was about to prey on them, and they were grateful for that as well. She told me that they were trying to stay as still as they could, that perhaps the spider would think they were dead and not find interest in having them for food. Spiders don’t eat things that are dead already as they like the challenge of catching their prey, and having fresh blood. Apparently though, the spider had seen one of them moving earlier as he had had his eye on them for a while, hanging in a corner hiding somewhere and observing.

The baby told me the rest of the story when I found him back in my home, but at that point he was alone. 

He revealed that the next day they had all gotten separated again as his mother and father took him to go and search for their home. Resting from all of the searching, they all rested on my ivy vine. It’s a huge vine, climbing from the ground and reaching almost up to my roof. The baby had fallen off of one of the leaves while sleeping and tumbled down to the ground. He couldn’t find his mother and father again because when they woke up, they didn’t see him with them. They figured that he was off flying around somewhere and went to look for him. It didn’t occur to them that he had fallen. Away they flew, while he was left behind down on the ground. He knew that they were probably already some distance away by the time that he climbed back up the vine. Afraid, he remembered what his mother had shown him, when she brought him into my house. He knew it was a safe haven according to his mom. That’s when I found him the third time.

For any species, life is a scary but wondrous thing. Could you imagine being anything but a human for an experience?

I want everyone to just consider the meaning of the ladybug but to also appreciate all living things and to treat them with love and respect. All things matter. They live and breathe, and they have a world of their own. Just because men can’t imagine or see from a different perspective, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Try to look deeper and treat everything with value. Everything on this earth is a way that the heavens can experience things here through all things. When you look at a creature or even another person, you are looking at the heavens, possibly looking back at you. Eyes aren’t just for everyone else to see, but they act as cameras into our world for those who live beyond it.

Sustaining Spiritually: How I use healing to cope

Spiritual health, healing, stress management, reiki, spirituality, depression, faith, journey

These times that we’re living in prove to be difficult. There are a lot of demonic presences that are influencing people these days to act irrationally, aggressively, and hurtfully. In fact, many people are not who they used to be. Even if a person is trying hard to maintain, they may find that they’re fine one minute, and the next they’re not. Some inner form of anxiety and aggression takes them over. I work with the public and have many experiences in it. This happens everywhere though, even within the family. If a person is not taking care of themselves spiritually the right way then they are more vulnerable to the energies that are targeting everyone. This also includes dark consciousness which I know many people disregard when I mentioned it, but it is a crucial element to what’s going on today. It relates to the biblical scripture in which I had referenced of when evil will be cast from heaven “so speak”, and walk the earth. They can’t walk the earth, they’re not physical. The only way that they can do that, is through entering the consciousness of humans to walk through them. I’ll explain more down below.

On top of this, we also have the planets which lately are causing a lot of problems energetically and in everyone’s lives individually, in different ways. With all of these influences around us, people are extremely sensitive, defensive, and I’ve noticed that they don’t talk to each other with kindness anymore. People are ready to launch a verbal attack right away, and they don’t think before they speak. Others are losing hope and faith. There are many people out there that also just don’t care anymore because they’re under so much stress and have experienced so many rude and hurtful people over time, that they just don’t feel that it’s worth the effort to act righteously anymore. It’s true that with global issues and economic decline, that people are in a desperate way. It has become “every man out for himself”.

I see it all of the time, how many people even in a family, act without love toward one another. It’s understandable that people get stressed out and frustrated, but when people are just totally void of any kind of consideration to look at their loved one with love and kindness in their heart most of the time, then you can truly tell that the world has gone to that point of no return. Empathy is truly something that is near to almost lost.

Yes, even speech is just utterly devastating at times. I’ve heard some truly terrible things. Just the other day someone was using foul language around my children and someone who was with me had asked that person nicely to watch their mouth, at least around the kids. Yet, The individual couldn’t even respect the children in the room and replied with something even more foul. They had said: “Suck my enormous gigantic donkey d*?%!”. I tried to give you an example a while using the punctuations to fill in the rest of the curse word. This is how people are for the majority, at least around where I live at New Jersey.

I don’t judge people that curse, but there is decency. When there are little kids around people should have that mindset that the kids don’t need to hear certain types of words and as a result show some respect. However, even going out to have breakfast for my little ones, the people at the next table were using every single curse word that exists on this planet. And that is no exaggeration. Even just to ask them nicely to be a little more mindful, I knew it would get me nowhere. Therefore, I sadly had to sit through an hour of having to listen to that when my original intention was just to get out of my house for a little bit to spend some nice quiet family time somewhere.

It was really a good sign of showing the people around me just how badly the world has gotten. Again, if grown-ups decide to use curse words on their own time, I certainly don’t like hearing it myself, but I don’t judge them. It’s just the fact that people don’t think the way that they used to. When I was growing up, people still cared about acting a certain way or speaking in such a manner, around children. Just last night I took my nightly walk with my son to walk our dogs. as we were turning the corner, a girl started screaming at us about our dog, even yelling really loud to her friend who was only like 2 inches away from her: “Oh my F-ing God, look at that mother f-ing dog! F$&*! Is that Noah? Yo, f$?*! Hey dat ya mom Noah? Nice to F-ing meet you Noah’s Mom”!

I was totally in shock and had to step away from my son. He was trying to be super polite and just answered the girl’s questions and then told her that he had to get going. As we walked away, I asked him since he is a teenager, why kids don’t care about how they speak in front of adults anymore? He told me that he didn’t know because he himself always tries to be polite. Yet it was a perfect example of the lack of respect or morals that this world carries these days. I’m sure the girl was a beautiful person? and I’m not judging her just by her speech. But it did make me question why she felt the need to speak that way and especially while someone’s mother was right there?

There are so many things happening today, from great to small that show many of my predictions coming true. I’ve been talking about all of this since 2016 on upward, up until it actually has been happening today. I have many videos and blogs that show people that even though the world has always had crime and immorality, that the predictions that I made in 2019 for the 2020 events, all really proved to be true. The social distancing, being locked down indoors, separated from everyone really did make society change in the worst way.

There’s so much negativity, that even just a few years ago I had to isolate myself pretty badly being “psychic sensitive”. Now, I can feel the terrible cloud of energy everywhere I go at all times of day until I do my energy work on me and my family. I try to keep myself in a positive mindset, I am all about good health, stable and clear mentality, as well as balanced emotions. All of that helps my soul. But I’m not going to just take care of myself, I’m going to make sure that my kids and my animals also feel content too. I usually know when one of my children are feeling badly from it all. My daughter Amber works in the public waitressing. At restaurants people do have the ability to order drinks and so after a few too many, people do act differently. It gets to her sometimes too. I’ll do a lot of energy work for her behind the scenes, only to see a huge difference afterwards.

The idea is that there are a lot of spiritual influences causing all of this. Like I said in the paragraph above it is a variety of different things that are happening today energetically and through the influences of society that are creating all of this devastation. People are experiencing things and they don’t even know the reason why they’re having them. Hatred, anger, vulgarity, it all comes from spiritual interferences that trigger people to act outside of who they used to be while their heart was still full of a great deal of love. Instead of love, stress, depression, worry and anxiety fill their hearts instead.

What’s worse is that these particular types of emotions bring up very dark thoughts. This includes also subconscious thoughts and fears. It’s enough to drive anybody crazy. It’s definitely not a good way to go through life, allowing all of those things to affect you. Evil will try to implant thoughts within your mind that are totally opposite of who you are. I’ve had people report that they had sudden thoughts of harming other people, when they’re not even that type of person to begin with.

I really do try to find solutions for everyone including me and my family. However, it’s really hard to get people to listen to the advice these days. Whether it’s suggesting that they keep up with a healthy regimen of Spiritual Readings and Healings, having a Spiritual routine, or it’s just suggesting slight changes that they can make in themselves or their lives that could make things a lot better, it seems that they acknowledge what I’m saying but when it comes down to actually doing any of it, they don’t. Even if I try to deliver heavenly insight of something that is wrong or perhaps maybe they’re viewing something the wrong way, they get super defensive and go on attack mode. It hurts me when I see people that have been devoted to their spiritual pathway for so long, have to suffer through the ways of the world today at its effects.

In order to stay healthy and get through all of this, it is really important to follow the advice. However this is a blog about what I do. And if any of you find that it’s helpful for you or that you think it could be helpful to you, I am going to have a discount code up until the end of September 2022 that people can use if they want these services. Use helpfulhealing as a code at purchase. It will to help you save 30% off of anything that you think you need to help yourself energetically. I had a sale like this sometime ago and I was really happy to see how many people came through to make sure that they were healthy.

If you’re feeling angry, defensive, depressed, anxious, lazy, emotionally sensitive, or any other negative vibration, there could be a few reasons as to why you’re experiencing that. What’s concerning is that all of the below issues are responsible for illness, drain, fatigue, unclear thoughts, hearing voices, sudden rage, sudden bad health, health deterioration, possession and a damaged spirit body which creates even more severe issues.

Causes for those problems are: 

  1. Your own aura is conflicting with the energies of the environments that it’s creating a new frequency that is unbalanced and becomes a severe interference.
  2. The energies of environments that you go into are causing static interference in your aura.
  3. Both your energy and the energy of the environments that you are entering are creating a new negative frequency that causes interference.
  4. Natural disasters like earthquakes, are throwing your natural chi into a reverse flow.
  5. The spiritual energy of others or someone specific is negative and unhealthy that your aura and chakras are reacting in a desperate way due to the toxicity.
  6. You could have a hole or tear in your aura.
  7. There could be a clog in your Nadis, kundalini channels, or chakras.
  8. There could be an implant in your aura.
  9. There may be an entity or psychic vampire draining your chi.
  10. You could be mentally and/or emotionally over analyzing things that it throws your auric layers related to those areas in your energy body into overdrive, keeping too much of your own toxic energy trapped in them poisoning your own energy.
  11. You could be due for a new protection or upgrade.
  12. There could be a strong EMF current nearby.
  13. Your area could be a target of energy warfare, resulting in strong fields that are unnatural and creating symptoms of feeling like you’re dying or extremely ill.
  14. Your home environment may have toxic energy or be in need of a protection grid and angelic infusion that can protect, balance, and stabilize the vibrations around you, each day.
  15. Any of these issues may be happening while also affecting your physical health too. There could be a serious health problem being created.
  16. Generational spirits (if you still have them) could be causing drains as a way to unmotivate you, ruining both your dreams and current goals.
  17. You could be experiencing a symptom of some kind of heavenly interference that was sent to you to slow you, as a result of something that you did wrong.
  18. Possession

In any of those possibilities, it’s important to care for your spirit body by getting help. Your spirit body is just as important if not more  than your physical body. Your soul drives the physical body and both need good health. These times are dangerous not only for our safety but also spiritually. 

It’s not something to hesitate on and taking care of yourself and your spirit body both weekly and if not, monthly… is crucial for staying in a good place all around. If not, you’ll affect your health and you could risk lowering your vibration significantly that it takes from your growth and ascension. That can lead to a return to old habits and back track into a slow descent toward becoming your old self. You also risk possession or attacks, as those things were prophesied about for these times. 

Remember, possession is not how they show you in the movies. They’ll affect you, your life and those around you while taking over in such a way that you’re functioning as yourself but… not really like yourself. Spirits attach from the outside, working their way into your consciousness and once they get that far, it’ll be a nightmare trying to exorcise them. Most people change but remain unaware of the spiritual attachment/ highjacking. Entities seek to ride along like a passenger to eventually drive while sitting on the lap of the driver. The person will feel heavy and sense something, but for regular people who can’t see in a psychic way, they’ll not ever suspect that “they’re not alone”. 

While possession is the worst case scenario, any of the problems listed above have terrible effects of their own and it’s all something to avoid if possible. 

In my life experience as an Oracle and in the last decade or longer of working in this field, I’ve seen how vulnerable a human energy body can be and just how easy it is for the energies to create damage. For myself, I’m ultra sensitive and isolation as an Oracle is necessary. However, I have to live and that requires running a daily errand. I also have to get some air from being in the same environment too. That also requires that I excessively cleanse due to how I read everything around me, without trying. The energies pull at me like a magnet and that can cause terrible illness and drain if I don’t maintain caring for  my spirit body enough. 

I’m not in any way trying to promote fear, I’m trying to ensure that everybody stays healthy. Each and every day I have people who have been with me for a long time, or new individuals that will come to me and tell me how they’re feeling. In the things that I hear them describe to me  that they’re experiencing, it brings me right back to the prophecies that I have made over time. If you recall, I had said that the biblical prophecy of the end times being much like it was in the days of Noah, as one that I specifically pinpointed would be happening during our time. I also had prophesied that there would be a lot of entities walking the face of the earth these days, spiritually alongside people to plague them. 

I see this every single day and how the world has become and also in how the devil tries to warp and twist the minds of those that are trying to remain faithful and loyal to me as a messenger and friend. People may even see this themselves in the changes in the world and in the changes and how their loved ones have begun treating them.

I have another article coming up about that subject. However the most important thing to note now, is that everyone is vulnerable. In the Bible they never told anyone when the events were going to occur, or even when they were going to begin. Many throughout time have tried to give it a go in finding out when to expect these events, but to no avail. In my work, the heavens have graciously given me the gift of being able to foresee and prophesy about when that time was to be expected and the exact things that would come about at the beginning of that time. These were a little bit more in-depth and relatable to the times that we live in, then the book of revelations was.  And they gave us an exact year to prepare. In fact throughout time they’ve been helping us to know when every aspect of these things were going to occur, from the shift in consciousness up until the year of the actual onset of end times events (2020). 

It was said that evil would be hurled to the earth during foretold times (Revelations 12:9). I’ve explained thoroughly and provided everyone with the details that they needed to have awareness with. 

When you look at how the world is today, you can see just that happening! Spiritual entities seem to control the way that some people think or even live in the human world through others. Like I’ve said many times before, they’re not going to hold up a neon flashing sign of lights to let you know that that’s what they’re doing. They’re going to be cunning and remain undetected. However, there will be some signs that can be very telling, that if you are aware enough and careful, you can protect yourself a great deal. I certainly didn’t want to get off of the subject of what this article was originally about, but it does play a significant role in what I’m talking about. 

Still, this article is about energy, and how it is affected negatively. I wanted to share what I do for me and my family that helps us  have a more healthy and fulfilling experience. Many people may think that I’m trying to promote fear and I am certainly not ever intending to do that. This stuff scares me too, to be honest with you. I would not be a true messenger of heaven if I didn’t help others to be prepared or know what to expect. I feel that as the negativity increases, it’s crucial to care for your spiritual body and energy. It keeps you healthy, energetic, clearer minded, and makes it so that bad things can’t affect you as much.

Here’s what I do:

  1. Full spirit body cleanse each week and if not each week, I’ll try to do it at least every two weeks. 
  2. Angelic infusion on my home with an atmospheric grid every three to six months depending.
  3. I perform “The Works” package on my pets and kids every other week. 
  4. I use an EMF grid and Metatron grid on my kids and pets each year. 
  5. Purification sessions on myself, family and pets every three months along with the other services. 
  6. Full body cell rejuvenation for all of us every other month for physical health and youthfulness. 

Doing all of that with a strict spiritual routine, studies, prayer, diet, and way of life has kept us all in a good place. I noticed that when I didn’t do those things, family members were very aggressive and argued with each other. There was crankiness, depression, and they felt very unhealthy mentally, emotionally, and physically. They also lacked motivation. The healing services and lifestyle really keep us all in a wonderful place, much different than I see in most of the people in the world. 

Most of all we stay aware, and we have faith. We put everything to the heavens, and wait with trust. 

That really helps.

Helpful tips

Just some helpful tips in case some of you can’t go and obtain any services for some master healing, I’ll list them down below things you can do for yourself.

  1. Walk and workout daily.  It releases aggression and prevents it. 
  2. Cut out sugar and caffeine, they both cause irritability. 
  3. Listen to instrumentals.
  4. Do yoga
  5. Meditate
  6. Spend time with an amiable pal
  7. Have fun doing kid stuff with your kids, if you have children.
  8. Watch a funny movie.
  9. Avoid toxic people.
  10. Don’t feed into the ignorance or anger of others.
  11. Ask what a person means by something they’ve said, if you at first don’t understand it or have taken it wrong.
  12. If someone is getting defensive over something you’re saying, explain what you truly meant, and leave it at that. Don’t go into it anymore. Just walk away.
  13. Hike, or play a sport.
  14. If you get heavenly homework readings with me, focus on doing some of the activities in them. I truly love the ones that I get and they keep me busy.
  15. Study your spiritual wisdom, read the Bible or other scriptures.
  16. Dance!
  17. Visit beautiful scenery!
  18. Avoid negative words. Negative talk and negative words can also attract negativity toward you.
  19. Eat lots of healthy food, the healthier you are physically, then all of yourself will be in a good place.
  20. If you’re suffering from anxiety, depression or irritability try to stay away from alcohol or other substances for a little bit of time, if not for good, then until it at least subsides.
  21. Do something nice for somebody else, doing a good deed always cheers people up.
  22. Use a massage chair.
  23. Practice the virtues.
  24. Don’t focus on the negativity of others.
  25. Join a club where you know there are a lot of positive minded people.

All of that should help keep you in a positive place but that’s not to say that you’re not gonna pick up a lot of negative energy around you. Even just your own thoughts can often contaminate your aura. There’s a lot of influences out there, and so it would always be in the very best advice that I can give, to keep up with your regular care while following these tips. I do!